Any meal plan service suggestions?


New member
Hi all!

What is a good meal planning service for meal preps? I don't need the food actually made for me -- I can make it myself (I figure it will be cheaper this way). I just would like customized menus based off my goals. I've tried looking up how to plan my own meal preps but I'm always so busy and get overwhelmed with all of the info, options and lack of time to figure it all out. I'm afraid of eating too little or too much of certain food groups.

Here's a little info about me (if it helps in regards to suggestions):

I'm a 28 year old female, about 5'0" and around 123 pounds (my weight fluctuates a lot throughout the day and also day-to-day but usually is around the 120-125 range). I have some fat around my midsection (particularly lower belly fat) that I HATE. I know you all will cringe when I say this... but I don't really want to lose too much fat (I want to keep my little bit of good curves as much as possible!) and I want to build some muscle (would like larger thighs). I know I can't spot reduce just the belly area... so I'm guessing I should lose a little weight first and then attempt to "bulk"?

I know the average male lean/bulking meal plans won't be for me... and the average female plans I see are for just losing lots of fat.

I'll be honest in saying that I feel a little out of place in posting this here, as everyone seems to be well more advanced in the workout world than I am. But I figured I would give it a shot since you all seem so knowledgeable. I actually found this forum while researching Evomuse products. I've been using the new Evomuse Supernova for a week now. Haven't seen any progress yet but I know it's because I probably have such a high BF% and haven't been eating 100% healthy. Would like to give the product a fair shot and actually eat healthy while using it!

Thanks in advance!


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Protein, veggies, some fats for cutting lol. A meal plan will only get you so far, but knowing a little nutrition will get you a lot further. " give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats forever".


New member
Thanks. Yes, I am lacking the knowledge on proper nutrition for my goals. I know I can slap some veggies and some meat on a plate but I just feel like I'm not doing things 100% right and it makes me less motivated. I was hoping by starting off with customized meal plans (since I'm so busy) I could use them for the time being and kind of learn from them and venture off from there.


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Thanks. Yes, I am lacking the knowledge on proper nutrition for my goals. I know I can slap some veggies and some meat on a plate but I just feel like I'm not doing things 100% right and it makes me less motivated. I was hoping by starting off with customized meal plans (since I'm so busy) I could use them for the time being and kind of learn from them and venture off from there.
If you want some starting macros, then me or many others can help but maybe someone with a meal plan will comment soon.


New member
That would be great, too. I appreciate any help! I just feel so lost meal prepping....


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A good starting point imo would be 145/145/35 p/c/f. If it were me, I would shoot for almost a pound lost per week adjusting macros/calories each week. From the beginning of you monthly cycle until a few days after, you will gain water weight(will soon go away) . Be sure not to account for that.


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You're welcome. If you want help adjusting, then post a new thread asking for help of post in this thread to ask. Also if this is more/less carbs than you're used to, then you will gain/lose glycogen weight. So don't be alarmed. Best of luck

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