Androgel and prohormones together????

The Celt

I have had a script for Androgel for the past two years( my 300 baseline now about 720 ) Doctor says Im on Androgel for life (Im 43 and in great shape otherwise).

Being an avid weight trainer four days a week, my question is whether or not adding (PH) Superdrol, Halodrol, Havoc or Pheraplex, Tren (or the like), will help with muscle building or hinder the Androgel? My doctor is of no help in this arena and does not know.

If yes, which PH and at what dosage is recommended? How about adding DHEA? An Anti-aromotase? Good or bad ideas?? I won't proceed until I get some feedback from you all.

Thanks in advance


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well, being that you're on it for life, you most likely can forget about pct on a plus.

an aromatase inhibitor will help keep the test from aromatizing into estrogen.

but yes, a steroid like the ones you listed will definately make your gains increase dramatically.

I would suggest you get a copy of anabolics 9th edition, or anabolic pharmacology, and use that to research about the subject, to better decide what you want to use. this will help you to know and understand potential side effects of aas use, and also the benifits.

I'd say go for hd as a first cycle to test the waters out. and have both an a.i. and serm like nolvadex on hand.
there should be no need for dhea as you are using androgel as your source for test.

good luck.


good info here, did you ever run any PH with your androgel yet?

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