A Few ECA Stack Questions... Please


New member
1. I wanted to use this but i heard that ephedrine is dangerous and you can die is that true?

2. how much weight can i lose in say a month of using it?

3. do you have to cycle the stuff?


New member
1) Life is fatal. No one gets out alive. Don't be dumb.
2) Calorie Intake - Calorie Expenditure = Caloric Deficit. 3500 cals = 1 pound fat. Go.
3) No. The extreme anorectic effects will fade after 4-8 weeks, leaving you finding new ways to cope with hunger management. You may wish to cycle off to recover that. However, the metabolic boosting actually increases in strength over long term according to some research, which suggests NOT cycling.

Warning: you will develop a caffeine addiction, if you don't currently have one. You will reduce your stim sensitivity in general as a result of running EC stack. I would NOT recommend it in someone so young, nor for anyone doing high intensity workouts.
