1,4ad results



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Here are my observations, it hits me extremely hard, especially if I take two doses within 5 hours of each other(around a 350mg dose).
This is because it has a short half life and that is how it should be taken; every 4-6 hours. The effective dose is AT LEAST 1200mg-1600mg. This means 200-400mg every 4-6 hours.

Unless someone is doing so at that dose consistently it will not provide much at all as far as anabolic activity. Yes it will get you vascular because it is increasing RBC at a lower dose. At 1200mg-1600mg there is some stomach irritation, elevated BP, irritability and headaches and somke anabolic response.


  • RockStar
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most people didnt get anything AT ALL from 1,4-ad.(other than scammed)
It was what everyone wanted. People begged Matt to get it. Everyone raved about it because it was legal. It was not then, now, or ever anything great. So to say people got scammed is a bit of a mis-statement. They got what they asked for. And just like everything else on these boards we have inexperienced kids hyping stuff to inexperienced kids who hype it to........

This is where I would say to everyone; "I told you so"

At least you got it for a very very good price :thumbsup:


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well id still like to see some newbs try this as a only PH cycle id like to try it would only be my second cycle but at the same time if it actually did nothing id feel i wasted a lot of support supps and pct products for 10weeks of nothing

im not saying it doesnt work i dont know yet.

but i also know most stack it, and lots of people who have said it sucks i know i dont trust anything they say only because i dont know who they are.. maybe others know them.

tripdogg found it bunk. but then again he totally limited his food and took all diff kinds of protective stuff while on..


if i did 1,4add for 10weeks at 1g daily.. i would def be shutdown at end right? or possibly not?

could i then start another PH after those 10weeks?

or is that just silly cuz id be really pissed off if not much happened in 10weeks and i had to waste pct stuff


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This was a huge disappointment!! I hope other people got something out of it,cause i sure as hell didn't.
Just curious, you ever try EQ to compare? boldenone is a real mild AAS, but has some very unique qualities that make it ideal for stacking with various hormones.


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well id still like to see some newbs try this as a only PH cycle id like to try it would only be my second cycle but at the same time if it actually did nothing id feel i wasted a lot of support supps and post cycle therapy products for 10weeks of nothing

im not saying it doesnt work i dont know yet.

but i also know most stack it, and lots of people who have said it sucks i know i dont trust anything they say only because i dont know who they are.. maybe others know them.

tripdogg found it bunk. but then again he totally limited his food and took all diff kinds of protective stuff while on..


if i did 1,4add for 10weeks at 1g daily.. i would def be shutdown at end right? or possibly not?

could i then start another PH after those 10weeks?

or is that just silly cuz id be really pissed off if not much happened in 10weeks and i had to waste post cycle therapy stuff
I would not use this as a stand alone PH. While some people have reported some pretty incredible gains from relatively low doses of the iforce stuff, this will be the exception not the rule.

It will work very well to add to any cutting cycle, and if you got it from NP you got a very reasonable price...IMO. If you were expecting to put on 10lbs with 1,4 alone then your expectations were just too high. It will however have a lot of the cool properties of boldenone that make it such a popular "stacking" compound. Increased collagen growth, joint lubrication, increased RBC's, increased vascularity, increased endurance, etc.

Its very rare to see a boldenone-only cycle for this reason. Its almost exclusively used as part of a stack.


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Also, I have another question which could be dumb for some people...

I like to take B12 shoots when running orals (to stimulate my appetite which some orals kill and more important...to protect my liver), but using BOLD I have a problem...
Supossedly B12 increases RBC as BOLD does too, so... ¿could I have some problem with my RBC?? I guess the effect should be residual but you never know...
There should not be a problem. Boldenone also increases appetite, and 1,4 has the same effect in many users.


  • Legend!
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Just curious, you ever try EQ to compare? boldenone is a real mild anabolic steroids, but has some very unique qualities that make it ideal for stacking with various hormones.
I ran 300mg EQ for 10 weeks along with it...and some test,but i ran this before and got nothing new with the 1,4-ad addition.....


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I ran 300mg EQ for 10 weeks along with it...and some test,but i ran this before and got nothing new with the 1,4-ad addition.....
Wait, so you were running EQ at the same time as the 1,4?


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Would you agree that you usually will have the best gains on a particular compound the first time you've used it? All other variables being constant, of course.

If you've used eq before in the past, I'd assume that you'd need to increase dosage in the next run in order to get the same results. Maybe the added 1,4 brought you up to just enough. I dunno...just an idea.

Got any more left? I'd like to see you give it a shot without using eq.
I've still got 60g myself which I haven't touched. I'll prob run it sometime this spring.


  • Legend!
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Would you agree that you usually will have the best gains on a particular compound the first time you've used it? All other variables being constant, of course.

If you've used eq before in the past, I'd assume that you'd need to increase dosage in the next run in order to get the same results. Maybe the added 1,4 brought you up to just enough. I dunno...just an idea.

Got any more left? I'd like to see you give it a shot without using eq.
I've still got 60g myself which I haven't touched. I'll prob run it sometime this spring.
I have like 100 grams left. I only kept the EQ at 300mg cause i figured the 1,4-ad would add to the overall boldenone dose...maybe it did somewhat.


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i wish this thread would die i'm getting tired of it.


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I have no idea why most of you guys were running it orally when you coulda bought a transdermal cream or made one yourself. I'm quite jealous since I missed the powder sale. People saw good results with this used transdermally back in the original prohormone days. It was actually in Big Cat's Trenabol-X, the first major 1-test supplement before One and SuperOne+ by Avant Labs. Nobody wanted to run it orally because we knew transdermal bioavailability was better. Also, you guys could easily make that powder into an injectable.


  • Legend!
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I have no idea why most of you guys were running it orally when you coulda bought a transdermal cream or made one yourself. I'm quite jealous since I missed the powder sale. People saw good results with this used transdermally back in the original prohormone days. It was actually in Big Cat's Trenabol-X, the first major 1-test supplement before One and SuperOne+ by Avant Labs. Nobody wanted to run it orally because we knew transdermal bioavailability was better. Also, you guys could easily make that powder into an injectable.
Believe it or not this actually is best absorbed oral. Thats what everyone was saying back when it was released.


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Believe it or not this actually is best absorbed oral. Thats what everyone was saying back when it was released.
Back in 2001-2002? I don't remember that. And I don't remember any evidence supporting that type of claim.

I assume you are saying "best absorbed orally" ... in comparison to transdermal application? I also mentioned injection which would clearly be the best method. With a transdermal it could be possible to get in the range of 40% absorbtion (no figures to back this up), with a good formula which contains a carrier like DMSO or DMFA.

Now, I remember looking at a study several years ago that looked at the oral bioavailability of powdered steroids. Most were in the range of 1-3% when taken with a fatty meal. I imagine the meal might help with lymphatic absorbtion which would allow the hormone to bypass breakdown by the liver in the same way that testosterone undecanoate capsules are marketed to do.


Back in 2001-2002? I don't remember that. And I don't remember any evidence supporting that type of claim.

I assume you are saying "best absorbed orally" ... in comparison to transdermal application? I also mentioned injection which would clearly be the best method. With a transdermal it could be possible to get in the range of 40% absorbtion (no figures to back this up), with a good formula which contains a carrier like DMSO or DMFA.

Now, I remember looking at a study several years ago that looked at the oral bioavailability of powdered steroids. Most were in the range of 1-3% when taken with a fatty meal. I imagine the meal might help with lymphatic absorbtion which would allow the hormone to bypass breakdown by the liver in the same way that testosterone undecanoate capsules are marketed to do.
The oral bioavailability of 1,4AD is much much higher than 1-3% because of the double bond in the 1 position. I believe it's between 20-30%.
It's the same reason 1-AD worked so well at 600mg a day.


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I have no idea why most of you guys were running it orally when you coulda bought a transdermal cream or made one yourself. I'm quite jealous since I missed the powder sale. People saw good results with this used transdermally back in the original prohormone days. It was actually in Big Cat's Trenabol-X, the first major 1-test supplement before One and SuperOne+ by Avant Labs. Nobody wanted to run it orally because we knew transdermal bioavailability was better. Also, you guys could easily make that powder into an injectable.
You are thinking of 1-test (possibly 1AD) and 4AD. This 1,4AD...a boldenone precursor...not a 1-test precursor.

4AD was certainly better transdermally as was 1-test, but 1AD and 1,4AD are better orally.

Making the powder into an injectible is not the best option, as there is no ester attached. You would require frequent injections (like multiple per day) in order to keep steady blood levels. 1,4AD cyp powder however would be another story and could be made into an injectable boldenone precursor.


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You are thinking of 1-test (possibly 1AD) and 4AD. This 1,4AD...a boldenone precursor...not a 1-test precursor.

4AD was certainly better transdermally as was 1-test, but 1AD and 1,4AD are better orally.

Making the powder into an injectible is not the best option, as there is no ester attached. You would require frequent injections (like multiple per day) in order to keep steady blood levels. 1,4AD cyp powder however would be another story and could be made into an injectable boldenone precursor.
Pardon my ignorance here but can 1,4AD powder be made into 1,4AD cyp powder with relative ease?


  • Established
You are thinking of 1-test (possibly 1AD) and 4AD. This 1,4AD...a boldenone precursor...not a 1-test precursor.
I know what I'm thinking about. I'm thinking about exactly what I have written about.

4AD was certainly better transdermally as was 1-test, but 1AD and 1,4AD are better orally.
I've seen little anecdotal evidence to support 1,4AD being very active orally. People's gains just do not seem to match up with those who took it transdermally (or injected, back in the heyday of prohormones). I think it's appropriate to speculate and say that the double bond in the first position will increase bioavailability, but we don't have any evidence to say that for sure because there wasn't any study relating directly to this hormone.

Then again, the transdermal solutions people were using back then must have had a pretty high bioavailability. People seem lazy now, they just use penetrate and don't even bother with DMSO. There's also better ways of putting the basic alcohol/oleic/etc solution together. So, that could explain why there were good results in the transdermal department.

Sorry I don't have any direct links to the reports. This is just an amassed impression I've gotten over years of watching the industry.

Making the powder into an injectible is not the best option, as there is no ester attached. You would require frequent injections (like multiple per day) in order to keep steady blood levels. 1,4AD cyp powder however would be another story and could be made into an injectable boldenone precursor.
Why would an unesterfied steroid need multiple injections per day? Are you unfamiliar with testosterone suspensions that bodybuilders use? Don't answer this. The typical protocol is one injection per day. Derivative hormones from the injected original have a cascade of anabolic effects which happen through conversion even after blood levels of the hormone had peaked. Anecdotal reports of people who inject unesterfied hormones are rediculously great, and they typically inject once per day.


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so what your saying is i might wanna consider making it transdermal rather then injesting 1g daily for 10weeks

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