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I don't have money for a nice place that has a pool basketball court etc. I can get a place if I divided up rent 3 ways and now that I started teaching martial arts in the evening recently I am bringing in extra 300 dollars a month.


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I don't have money for a nice place that has a pool basketball court etc. I can get a place if I divided up rent 3 ways and now that I started teaching martial arts in the evening recently I am bringing in extra 300 dollars a month.
Do you have a college degree? Why don't you take online classes and go back to school if not so you can improve your life or something.


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I do have a AA and a BS but my original job got out sourced to mexico as a computer tech. What I do now is fine. I make enough money to live day by day. Nothing fancy but I can worry about that later.


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I do have a AA and a BS but my original job got out sourced to mexico as a computer tech. What I do now is fine. I make enough money to live day by day. Nothing fancy but I can worry about that later.
Are you sure? You don't pay rent and you are already talking about how you don't have money. Why don't you try and get something that your degree actually works with? That was you have a better opportunity to promote and upgrade your life. thats the point in life to keep upgrading, not stay where you are every day. If you are fine with day to day mumbo jumbo that is fine, but think about where you could be.
Dr Packenwood

Dr Packenwood

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At my job I started 'slumming' by resharpening wood chipper blades. I might make an extra $60-$100 a day doing it, but man is it mundane.


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Dude, ive watched like 3 videos. One word. BAD. Really bad. Here is a list of what you need to do/work on. Please dont take this personal, just trying to help ya out and save face for ya.

1. please check ego at entrance of gym
2. please lower the weight
3. please use full ROM and correct tempos. Stop slinging the weight around. You are going 1 step forward , 2 steps backwards with your technique. It is truly horrible bro.
4. please stop taking PH. I hardly think ur diet is in check by any means. I could be wrong though
5. How about a madcow routine, where u focus on squat, deads, rows, bench. U will benefit greatly. then move on to more advanced routines.
6. I can go on and on, but that is a start.




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Last night was awesome.

180lbs 2x 6 reps Incline
185lbs 1x 6 reps Incline
Dumbbell press flat 75lbsx9 75lbsx8 2nd set 3rd set 80lbsx7
tricep push down 90x6 100x6
tricep extension 30x3+60x3+70x3 9 reps total 2 sets
ticep bent over extension 25.5x3+27.5x3+32.5x3 9 reps 2 sets.
I had great pumps I felt great with energy.
Focus was there.


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Last night was awesome.

180lbs 2x 6 reps Incline
185lbs 1x 6 reps Incline
Dumbbell press flat 75lbsx9 75lbsx8 2nd set 3rd set 80lbsx7
tricep push down 90x6 100x6
tricep extension 30x3+60x3+70x3 9 reps total 2 sets
ticep bent over extension 25.5x3+27.5x3+32.5x3 9 reps 2 sets.
I had great pumps I felt great with energy.
Focus was there.
Did you read the advice given above?


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Dude, ive watched like 3 videos. One word. BAD. Really bad. Here is a list of what you need to do/work on. Please dont take this personal, just trying to help ya out and save face for ya.

1. please check ego at entrance of gym
2. please lower the weight
3. please use full ROM and correct tempos. Stop slinging the weight around. You are going 1 step forward , 2 steps backwards with your technique. It is truly horrible bro.
4. please stop taking PH. I hardly think ur diet is in check by any means. I could be wrong though
5. How about a madcow routine, where u focus on squat, deads, rows, bench. U will benefit greatly. then move on to more advanced routines.
6. I can go on and on, but that is a start.

1. Where was I swinging in that video.
2. I do do squats deads and rows and bench.
3. My diet it in check so you are wrong. I get my blood levels check all the time and I am in the rage for my vitamins, minerals and aminos and oils i.e omega 3 even my metabolic panel was normal. The only thing I was low in was T levels.
4. You could go on and on but what good is that when I have not swung in this video and I have improved this week and last week on my ROM
5. I want to see you make a video and see if you have perfect form too.
6. I don't have a ego at the gym.
7. I have lowered my weight btw.


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1. Where was I swinging in that video.
2. I do do squats deads and rows and bench.
3. My diet it in check so you are wrong. I get my blood levels check all the time and I am in the rage for my vitamins, minerals and aminos and oils i.e omega 3 even my metabolic panel was normal. The only thing I was low in was T levels.
4. You could go on and on but what good is that when I have not swung in this video and I have improved this week and last week on my ROM
5. I want to see you make a video and see if you have perfect form too.
6. I don't have a ego at the gym.
7. I have lowered my weight btw.
Well I only saw you do 3 exercises so it is hard to judge. People are trying to give you advice and you keep challenging it. say all you want, but you body proves you aren't doing what you say you are or that you are not doing enough. why all the 35's on the squat bar? Why not use 45's? Is it because it doesn't look like as much weight as multiple 35's? That is ego if that is what you are doing. Your leg press is not full reps, no where close... that is ego lifting. So I support what he says and so does your video. This is to learn, teach, and lead and you don't learn, you just argue and deny.


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Im not going to film 1-1.5 hours of film. Your seen my last sets of my exercises in the film. It was not 35's. btw It was 45+35 on each side for squats.


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Im not going to film 1-1.5 hours of film. Your seen my last sets of my exercises in the film. It was not 35's. btw It was 45+35 on each side for squats.
at :13 seconds it looks like around 5-6 plates of some 5,10,25,35 lbs. not just a 45 & 35. unless I am misunderstanding you ?


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OK, look. Im just trying to help you out. I said dont take offense to suggestions. Im just trying to help you. It isnt like we all are just making this crap up. I have read countless posts that are telling you to use correct tempo, form, ROM, diet, etc.....but you always find some defense to make yourself look like you are doing all the right things.

In one of the videos, you were EZ curling i dont know how much , and you were totally swinging it bro and even weren't going down all the way on your eccentric phase.

Ok, here is a challenge for you. Next time you hit the weight room, Follow this tempo 2/1/2. Meaning this. You curl the bar up for 2 seconds, hold for 1second, and then lower the weight for 2seconds. That would be 1 complete rep and your muscle will be under much greater TUT (time under tension). Heck, even try a 4/0/x tempo.....4s eccentric....no hold and explode on your concentric.

Trust me, this will be an eye-opener to you and you WILL NOT do the same weight if this is performed CORRECTLY with FULL ROM.

And yes, i would have no problem posting a video of me deadlifting 350 and squatting 315 with correct form. Trust me, my form and etiquette in the gym would be no match for you at this stage. Just being honest on what ive seen of you on your videos.

When I say get your diet in check, im not talking about bloodwork, vitamin, mineral crap....im talking eating like 2g protein per lb of bodyweight, lots of whole carbs, fruits, veggies, great multivitamin, lots of water, etc.

1. Where was I swinging in that video.
2. I do do squats deads and rows and bench.
3. My diet it in check so you are wrong. I get my blood levels check all the time and I am in the rage for my vitamins, minerals and aminos and oils i.e omega 3 even my metabolic panel was normal. The only thing I was low in was T levels.
4. You could go on and on but what good is that when I have not swung in this video and I have improved this week and last week on my ROM
5. I want to see you make a video and see if you have perfect form too.
6. I don't have a ego at the gym.
7. I have lowered my weight btw.


Some solid advice msucurt. A lot of individuals ignore the importance of TUT, especially the isometric and eccentric portion.

And to be honest, I can see why DJB gets defensive. Although, I haven't followed this thread since day 1, I see everybody and their mamas taking shots at DJB, and kicking his dog while at it.

DJB, it appears you have the motivation and determination. Reevaluate your current lifting habits and techniques and take heed to some of the advice given on this board. I am a big believer of TUT and Full ROM. The utilization of both will make you bigger, stronger, faster™.


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dj the ego lifter

i just hope all other companies get the memo that this guy is a HUGE NO NO when it comes to logs.


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dj the ego lifter

i just hope all other companies get the memo that this guy is a HUGE NO NO when it comes to logs.
AMS is running another promo, DJ said something about not entering because he wouldn't be through with his current cycle before they pick the winners. LMFAO! I don't think he even knows how ridiculous he is. He just fukked up on this log and he thinks he might have a chance in hell at being picked again? By the same company?


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LOL by the same company? haha he is clueless in his own little world i think. Get real DJ, you are through with logging. You waste product, time, and oppurtunity just by you applying much less getting picked for a log. Unbelievable this guy...


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LOL by the same company? haha he is clueless in his own little world i think. Get real DJ, you are through with logging. You waste product, time, and oppurtunity just by you applying much less getting picked for a log. Unbelievable this guy...


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AMS is running another promo, DJ said something about not entering because he wouldn't be through with his current cycle before they pick the winners. LMFAO! I don't think he even knows how ridiculous he is. He just fukked up on this log and he thinks he might have a chance in hell at being picked again? By the same company?
LOL by the same company? haha he is clueless in his own little world i think. Get real DJ, you are through with logging. You waste product, time, and oppurtunity just by you applying much less getting picked for a log. Unbelievable this guy...
I am on crack?!!?!?!??! ahrhrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr
The answer is Yes, it's highly probable.:bandit:


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lol wow, just read through 13 pages. Would read again for the lulz/


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dj the ego lifter

i just hope all other companies get the memo that this guy is a HUGE NO NO when it comes to logs.
We get it already. Why do you find it necessary to continuously post in his log if you think he's full of ****? Why don't you do what probably 95% of the people who view something they don't like do...just stop viewing?

Does he need to change the way he lifts? Yes
Is he going to hurt himself if he keeps lifting this way? Yes

But I'll give him this. He had the balls to post videos of his lifts, when most of you clowns won't even post photos. Not to mention he's handled himself extremely well considering the past few pages went from constructive criticism (that undeniably he wasn't listening to) to verbal abuse.

You post your advice, if he listens, you helped, if he doesn't what's the point of trashing him? And sadly enough a lot of you are reps. You're supposed to set an example, not cruise around AM like a pack of dogs looking for someone to flame.



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well it bothers me because he got the oppurtunity when other people alot more deserving missed out.

it bothers me that someone can be so stuck in their own mindset that they cant even take advice from a lot of people telling them the same thing. I dont even think the negative comments bother him because just like the advice given it just flys over his head.

why do you care if i post in his log, same goes for you, if you dont like it then leave. I was never asked to leave and if i were by DJ then i would but he hasnt verbalized that request or his discomfort with the comments. If it doesnt bother him then why does he need you to come to the rescue.

I keep viewing because it adds to my day.

Posting the videos, ok he gets kudos for that already. im not making direct comparisons to me and DJ and i have no need to post vids or pics, personal preference. What do you think is the percentage of members here that actually post these things? Id say alot less than half, so by critisizing the videos does that make me obliged to post pics/vids? no. You give him props for posting vids, why? because they are subject to criticism so if he posts then its fair game.

Nobody is running around AM looking for people to flame, are you feeling like a nerd in H.S? Like we are a bunch of bullies running around lol wtf. Ill give you some credit for standing up for DJ, thats honorable. As far as the rep status goes, i am a rep for the company, i answer questions, i put out info, i make promos, i help customers, i dont have a disclaimer in my sig that says my views do not represent musclepharm etc.. maybe i should put one in for guys like you :thumbsup: So now i will go hangout in my company's subforum and stay there and only do the things reps should do :rolleyes: lighten up im here for fun too even if it is at DJ's expense.....it doesnt seem to bother him much :) Thanks DJ


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i am not choosing sides here!..but both of you have very good points!..i for one cant stand seeing someone getting reamed left and right:scared:,but on the other hand.i cant stand seeing someone who gets all the advice anyone could ask for,and let it go in one ear and out the other!:scared:


I would have to concur with Nabisco (non roman)

Why should it bother people he got the opportunity? I mean who are you to set the standards of who is deserving? In addition, this is only one log.

Furthermore, a log which will be a reference for another opportunity to run another sponsored log, and if the company/reps find him deserving; end of story brah.

If castigating another individual who you believe is not deserving and stuck in their own mindset adds to your day, what does that have to say about you?

The bottom line

Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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seems like a successful log to me. 373 posts and 4,368 views can't be wrong.


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The reason why there is bunch of weights on the squat bar is it was already there from someone else using previously. Why would I waste my energy re racking it.


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I would have to concur with Nabisco (non roman)

Why should it bother people he got the opportunity? I mean who are you to set the standards of who is deserving? In addition, this is only one log.

Furthermore, a log which will be a reference for another opportunity to run another sponsored log, and if the company/reps find him deserving; end of story brah.

If castigating another individual who you believe is not deserving and stuck in their own mindset adds to your day, what does that have to say about you?

The bottom line

Good post. Believe me, I am telling every one at the gym about AMS products even just with my sweat towel I have. People are always asking me what I use. Even if by your standards I am not doing ROM people still ask me what I am taking. I am heavily promoting 1ad and 4ad and soon arom-x when I start taking it. Heck I even showed my blood work for few people that did not believe me.


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The reason why there is bunch of weights on the squat bar is it was already there from someone else using previously. Why would I waste my energy re racking it.
But you said you used a 45 and a 35 earlier.... and your video shows way more than that.... so which did you use? Either way it doesn't matter, I am just trying to figure it out. Keep it up and keep working on the improvements!


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the log can be considered good but thats only because its getting AMS exposure, sure. But how much do we know about the products effects/sides etc? So far i got that it gives burning in the throat.....haha. Isnt that what a log is primarily for to gauge the products?

but hey, whatever. Have fun in this log guys! :D i'll leave it alone. Job well done nabisco


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the log can be considered good but thats only because its getting AMS exposure, sure. But how much do we know about the products effects/sides etc? So far i got that it gives burning in the throat.....haha. Isnt that what a log is primarily for to gauge the products?

but hey, whatever. Have fun in this log guys! :D i'll leave it alone. Job well done nabisco
You could read the log I ran along side it. :lol:

Great job DJ - what kind of martial arts do you teach?


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But you said you used a 45 and a 35 earlier.... and your video shows way more than that.... so which did you use? Either way it doesn't matter, I am just trying to figure it out. Keep it up and keep working on the improvements!
Maybe it was a 45 25 10 and a 5. Thanks. Today I went very deep and did 225. Did not increase my weight but had like a step stool to see my measurements. I also had a spotter incase I went so low I could not get up.
225 2 sets 6 reps
Leg pressed 630 2 sets 6 reps but went very deep and was a different machine and the angle was a lot higher so was a lot harder for me. Was at a friends gym.
Hack squatted 230 2 sets 6 reps as deep as the thing hit the stopper.
Leg curled 140 2 sets 9 reps.
Lunged 30lbs 9 reps. 2 sets

Calve pressed 700 12 reps 2 sets. Again angle was weird.
Seated calve rise 225 2 sets 12 reps.

Felt great today. Energy was up. When I did my lunges I was able to do it with out feeling week. Last week I felt week.


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I teach Soo Bahk Do and have been doing that for 18 years now and out of the 18 years been teaching for 4 years. 3rd degree black belt.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_4OGCKe_Kc&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Fightertraining.net introduces James Baum[/ame]

I train in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy on weekends now.


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. . . . all the way up to the yo-yo :bandit: I was kinda digging it.


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This guy has some serious dedication. If only 1/10 of everyone had this kind of attitude.... It's just too bad so many people have to be *******s. Sure on some of his lifts better form and rom is needed, but it did not look like it was an ego thing at all. He only needs to be educated a little more, which is not hard to do. **** all the pricks, damn. DJBombSquad, keep up the hard work.


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Which Gracie guys are out there with you? I might know them.


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This guy has some serious dedication. If only 1/10 of everyone had this kind of attitude.... It's just too bad so many people have to be *******s. Sure on some of his lifts better form and rom is needed, but it did not look like it was an ego thing at all. He only needs to be educated a little more, which is not hard to do. **** all the pricks, damn. DJBombSquad, keep up the hard work.
if you dont think he has an ego then ur a :crackhead:

he needs education and thats not hard to do? :wtf: did you read the thread? LOL obviously it is very hard to educate someone who wont listen. :eek:p:


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if you dont think he has an ego then ur a :crackhead:

he needs education and thats not hard to do? :wtf: did you read the thread? LOL obviously it is very hard to educate someone who wont listen. :eek:p:
So I guess you agree he has loads of dedication as you did not comment on that part of my post? Have many of you never met that type of person who is a good person and has all the motivation in the world, but they have a hard time with understanding fundamentals? DJ is a prime example, but I do not think he deserves all the **** being thrown in his direction.

To be fair, I have not read every single page, so if someone could be so kind to show me where he is cocky, an ass, or rude. Then I will retract my last post.


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you can say whatever you want.

i have commented on his dedication as admireable, i have said positive things to him in the past. he just quite honestly has no clue what he is doing imo and he is just stubborn in his ways. I dont understand it seems like there are other guys here who are more hurt on things being said then DJ himself. Any rational person would speak up if he felt he was being abused, has DJ? Everyone interprets things differently some people see him as being cocky, idiotic, partially retarded, etc etc.. and some dont. Why dont you read the entire log then come back with your opinion.


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DJ, if your working on changing your form. good for you!!! You teach martial arts so that obviously means that you had to step aside and learn from someone else to get where you are. The reason that some of us got so angry i think is that you were unwilling to receive help. it sounds to me like your trying to work on things and i think that is great. None of us know everything in this sport, otherwise we'd all be mr. olympia, champion powerlifter or champion olympic lifters. I've been training for over 6 plus years and i've made more gains this year than any other, just because i started to heed other people's advice. If you can use that amazing dedication and enthusiasm, i think you can more than exceed your goals if you continue to work on your problems. Anyways i flashed over to look at your log again and i'm glad to hear that you are starting to work on things. Your dedication will take you far if your just willing to listen.
anyways i'm back watching this log as i'm interested to see whether some of these changes start helping you. good luck.


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archive footage of d.j training!:)

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRJP6I7fAqU"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

LOL..j.k..D.J....:)..good job man!


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LOL..j.k..D.J....:)..good job man!
lol at that video.
DJ keep training hard

you can say whatever you want.

i have commented on his dedication as admireable, i have said positive things to him in the past. he just quite honestly has no clue what he is doing imo and he is just stubborn in his ways. I dont understand it seems like there are other guys here who are more hurt on things being said then DJ himself. Any rational person would speak up if he felt he was being abused, has DJ? Everyone interprets things differently some people see him as being cocky, idiotic, partially retarded, etc etc.. and some dont. Why dont you read the entire log then come back with your opinion.
I think he doesn't believe completely that he is doing anything wrong. He very well could be a little slow at grasping a lot of real world concepts.

DJ, if your working on changing your form. good for you!!! You teach martial arts so that obviously means that you had to step aside and learn from someone else to get where you are. The reason that some of us got so angry i think is that you were unwilling to receive help. it sounds to me like your trying to work on things and i think that is great. None of us know everything in this sport, otherwise we'd all be mr. olympia, champion powerlifter or champion olympic lifters. I've been training for over 6 plus years and i've made more gains this year than any other, just because i started to heed other people's advice. If you can use that amazing dedication and enthusiasm, i think you can more than exceed your goals if you continue to work on your problems. Anyways i flashed over to look at your log again and i'm glad to hear that you are starting to work on things. Your dedication will take you far if your just willing to listen.
anyways i'm back watching this log as i'm interested to see whether some of these changes start helping you. good luck.
Yea, it looks like you're slowly incorporating a better rom. Please post a vid of your new squat and leg press.


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So I guess you agree he has loads of dedication as you did not comment on that part of my post? Have many of you never met that type of person who is a good person and has all the motivation in the world, but they have a hard time with understanding fundamentals? DJ is a prime example, but I do not think he deserves all the **** being thrown in his direction.

To be fair, I have not read every single page, so if someone could be so kind to show me where he is cocky, an ass, or rude. Then I will retract my last post.
Did i miss the hero bandwagon?

Ill tell ya what, any one on this board runs a log like this and they get the straight up goods from the guys who are here. If i am doing somthing dumb, i expect guys to tell me and then i can change it.

So do you think by pretending things are great that its going to do him anygood to keep taking PH after PH and getting almost nowhere and developing some serious gyno with little to no indication of understanding just what is happening in the body and how to deal with it.

We deal with some serious compounds on these boards, it is only justifyable if we make every effort to be sure it is safe, effective and worthwhile for the potential risks. If you are unaware of how it affects your body, unable to report how it makes you feel and barely progressing then what good is it to you or anyone else to log it and set such an example?

I think DJ has reformed slowly and its commendable that he has handled such abuse at times well, this can also be seen as a problem to be so thick that you dont move off the road when the truck blows it horn.

If you defend ignorance than you are the problem and when some kid dies someday guess who pays for it, all of us.

Its funny in another thread DJ posts picks of half born chickens and then goes on a rant about how he thinks god doesnt want him to eat eggs but eats them in a burrito everyday.


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Did i miss the hero bandwagon?

Ill tell ya what, any one on this board runs a log like this and they get the straight up goods from the guys who are here. If i am doing somthing dumb, i expect guys to tell me and then i can change it.

So do you think by pretending things are great that its going to do him anygood to keep taking PH after PH and getting almost nowhere and developing some serious gyno with little to no indication of understanding just what is happening in the body and how to deal with it.

We deal with some serious compounds on these boards, it is only justifyable if we make every effort to be sure it is safe, effective and worthwhile for the potential risks. If you are unaware of how it affects your body, unable to report how it makes you feel and barely progressing then what good is it to you or anyone else to log it and set such an example?

I think DJ has reformed slowly and its commendable that he has handled such abuse at times well, this can also be seen as a problem to be so thick that you dont move off the road when the truck blows it horn.

If you defend ignorance than you are the problem and when some kid dies someday guess who pays for it, all of us.

Its funny in another thread DJ posts picks of half born chickens and then goes on a rant about how he thinks god doesnt want him to eat eggs but eats them in a burrito everyday.
Hero comment was uneccessary. He make take hits and not say a thing, but I do not. If his log is not up to standards then the thread should be closed.... end of story.


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Hero comment was uneccessary. He make take hits and not say a thing, but I do not. If his log is not up to standards then the thread should be closed.... end of story.
Ok hero.


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ok hero


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if only d.j could utilize the same dicipline that he is expected to have with martial arts.and apply it to his overall training!..he would be a hammer!


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he's not a hero to me. i'm just glad he's sort of listening to people. i'm glad to hear the training is improving but i find it disappointing that DJ is just learning the basics of training and is rock hormones already. Steroids and prohormones get a bad rep from the government because people that don't know what they are doing are using them and causing harm to themselves due to diet, nutrition, bloodwork and various other things. We should continue to help DJ, but we should all be a little more dilligent with whether or not we should use hormones. Idiots are causing the removal of great supps. Rant over.


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hero bandwagon, glad someone said it :lol:
c'mon, DJ likes to post his videos like he's some sort of celebrity!

Those bigarse weights, the famous people he's met, spinning high kicks, taking all these compounds and telling his friends at the gym " yeah, I'm sponsored to do this". . .who's the fucking hero here? And who the fuck does he think he's kidding?

. . . .well, I said it before: with celebrity comes the paparazzi sunshine. Better learn how to deal with it, huh?:bandit:

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