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  1. dmangiarelli

    OTC PCT Guide ...

    Post Cycle Therapy - Why you need to do it Back in the old days (50's-70's) when steroids were first popularized in the bodybuilding culture, no one ran PCT. It wasn?t until Dan Duchaine wrote his famous book "The Underground Steroid Handbook" that PCT became widely known. Guys were running 21...
  2. dmangiarelli

    Everyone buying a SERM online should read this ...

    Steroid Law - Rick Collins On Research Chemicals Only While SERM's fall into a definite grey area of the law it is a good idea to know exactly what you are dealing with and the possible consequences when buying these products. It is a personal decision but in making that decision you should...
  3. dmangiarelli

    Post Cycle Support PCT results!

    All, I have finished logging my PCT at and my blood work has come back. Results were positive. You can find the log here
  4. dmangiarelli

    Official Stoked/Post Cycle Support FAQ

    Post Cycle Support/Stoked FAQ Q: What is Trans-reveratrol? A: Trans-resveratrol is a natural antioxidant that comes from wine grapes. It has many uses including purging free radicals, inhibiting estrogen, and raising testosterone as seen in many independent studies. It is this compound which...
  5. dmangiarelli

    What do you want to know about Stoked/PCS?

    We are putting together an FAQ for Stoked/Post Cycle Support and we want to know what questions you'd like answered. Post your questions in here and we'll try to get them answered with the FAQ. Thanks!
  6. dmangiarelli

    The importance of blood work after a cycle

    I see so many posts on here recommending an AI after cycles I thought I'd post this. I am almost 4 weeks out from my last cycle of Bold/P-Plex/Trena. I would have figured to have low test levels but since Bold aromatizes and P-Plex and Trena (I think) are progestins I figured estrogen would be...