Search results

  1. jhern216

    best lift

    Ok so me and my friend were arguing which of the two is better in terms of strength, size, and explosiveness: squat or deadlift. We were debating for a good hour or so and I chose deadlifts and he was adamant squats were better. Which do you all think is better or is it like comparing apples to...
  2. jhern216

    black friday

    Do any of you all know if nutraplanet is gonna have some kick ass black Friday deals?
  3. jhern216

    mega fat loss

    Ok guys so I just received my shipment of what I think is a pretty solid cut stack. Thing is I have no clue how to work out dosing schedules lol. I have tta-500, alphaburn, shift, LCLT. I'm think of including the ec stack but idk if that's over the top? My diet is sort of a lean gains style 3100...
  4. jhern216

    new to this forum

    Hey everyone this is my first time posting on these boards and i was wondering if you all could help me out a bit . Any how, i'd like to ask a question about a stack I had in mind. I was wondering if could utilize adipoxil, slin sane, and neogenix supremacy for a nice recomp stack? What would be...