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  1. pr787

    Unanswered Gyno crashed e2

    I can’t for the life of me figure out this situation. I’ve posted here several times regarding being on my first cycle and getting as much info as possible (yes, I have done plenty of research before starting) so anyway, I’m in 500mg Test E (250 split) Adex .5mg eod currently at the end of week...
  2. pr787

    Unanswered Advice, please!

    Forgive the “ignorance” but people always talk about research before anything (which I agree) and asking questions is great for that so please hold the blasts as I AM trying to do my research here. I currently started (2 weeks) Test E 500mg weekly (Sunday,Wednesday). I previously tried this...
  3. pr787

    Unanswered Bloods opinion?

    Got my bloods in, I initially got them to check E2 levels which came back normal, but I’m a bit concerned about my FSH and LH levels being so low. I started a Test E only cycle last week 500mg weekly. Been on adex .5mg eod and nolva 10mg every day cause I thought I had symptoms. Nothing else...
  4. pr787

    Unanswered Fat chest

    I have been struggling with a fat chest my whole life. I know I Deleigh I need to cut a lot of body fat but I feel like I’m just gaining more fat in my chest there’s definitely muscle as well. I am currently taking a test E cycle just started last week and I am taking .5mg adex every 3 days and...
  5. pr787

    Looking for help, Gyno after 3 days.

    I started my cycle this week 500mg split 2 days of test e and 50mg dbol ed, after day 3 I noticed what I think is Gyno, no lumps under nipples but painful lumps on right side of right pec, and left side of left pec. I was taking 12.5 Aromasin eod and have taken 2mg letro since noticing. Am I...