

  • Established
Patrick Arnold's view on the subject:

"do any of you believe for one second that they grow their own herbs and extract them themselves?

37 step extraction process. yeah right

this reeks of a quick in, quick out scheme. Go over the top and do everything you can to make everyone buy as much as they can as fast as they can ("please be fair to everyone and buy no more than 12!")

then by the time rumor gets around that its garbage you have made a killing"


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I'll take facts and science over your amazing experience. When will people learn anecdotal reports from online dip shits mean nothing.
Well like I said you don't have to take it. I was going on reputation and the fact that Recreate worked so well for me. You could flood me with scientific facts and I still wouldn't know what you are talking about. Sometimes a company just makes good products. I wish I knew more but I don't, all I know is the product works well. Didn't say you had to believe me and don't really care if you do or don't.


  • Established
LOL, sounds like a wonder product. Hardness, pumps and gains but no hormonal activity?

Sounds too good to be true - in fact, it sounds impossible.

You could start by telling us what the hell it even is or even outline a basic mechanism of action without giving away your "top secret extraction!". Anyone who knows anything knows its pretty hard to promote anabolism without some hormonal increase or activity. Otherwise, you are splitting hairs and its all semantics in a magical world where eating a whopper is "anabolic."

I'm sorry but the burden of proof is on USP and this "shroud of mystery" isn't cutting it. This industry is really getting out of hand. At least the god damn pro-hormones did something. I just spent 15min looking for some solid answers on just what the hell is even in Prime and I cant find anything besides crazy claims and retarded testimonials. It's a sad day in the supplement industry when hordes of consumers are buying **** that they have no clue about. I was genuinely interested in see what novel compound UPS came up with but that quickly turned to disappointment and disgust when I see threads full of what looks like marketing brochure claims and illogical bs with no science backing it up. What happened to the objective, skeptical anabolic minds I left?
Alpine did you read the writeup on uspl's page??? woulda been the first place Id look for info....

Prime Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 120
Amount Per Serving
Prime Blend (Proprietary blend) 600mg
SuperAnabolic (Engineered Extract from Tribulus Aquaticus)
Cellmend (Engineered Extract from Terminalia Chebula)[/quote]

What's In USPlabs Prime™?
USPlabs Prime™ contains two extremely potent, novel ingredients.

* SuperAnabolic™: Our exclusive engineered extract of a species of Tribulus called Tribulus Acquaticus.

* CellMend™: another extract exclusive to USPlabs of a power-herb called Terminella Chebula – potent Anabolic Adaptagen

As mentioned, SuperAnabolic™ is a rare species of herb in the same family as Tribulus Terrestris. However, once you try USPlabs Prime™ you'll soon realize the comparisons stop there…

Not all members of the same family are created equal. Surely you've heard of Hammerin' Hank Aaron, with 755 career homeruns to his credit…

…But you've probably never heard of his brother, Tommy, who hit only 13 homeruns in his career!
Same "family", but my oh my, one member was many, many times more powerful!

…And this illustration is extremely accurate because the steroidal glycosides contained in USPlabs Prime make the saponins of tribulous terrestris look like the placebo!
Steroidal Gylcosides
Tribulus Aquaticus contains active steroidal components called steroidal glycosides...
However, the components in USPlabs Prime™ are unique to our specific extract of Tribulus Aquaticus and have not been found in any other compound in the world.

These steroidal glycosides are believed to exert their anabolic effects through non androgen receptor-mediated mechanisms, perhaps by possessing anti-glucocorticoid activity similar to pharmaceutical compounds such as methandrostenolone (D-bol).
In any case, it's obvious that these steroidal glycosides allow for a retention of nitrogen and either a decline in the catabolic processes related to skeletal muscle or an improvement in protein synthesis; the end result of which is increased muscle mass.

...Now, remember, it takes a boatload of raw, whole-herb Tribulus Aquaticus to make just one bottle of USPlabs Prime™.
Only USPlabs knows the extract – no one else!

…Also, ALL of the research in this letter has been done using our exclusive engineered extract.

CellMend™ – "King Of Medicines"

In India there has long been a secret compound used by the strongest, most virile men in India.
Day in and day out, these men wake up and perform 12-14 hours of back-breaking physical labor…

In India, these men get paid on a daily basis for the work they do. There are no paychecks. On average, these men get paid $0.75-$1.00 each day in cash. Therefore, days off are few and far between.

…Yet, even though there's a tremendous amount of stress placed upon these men, they are able to look young, stay strong, stay virile and remain sharp mentally.

What's their secret?

The Ayurvedic medicinal system points to a wonder-fruit called terminalia chebula. Its viewed as one of the most potent CNS and body adaptagenic compounds the world has ever seen.

It's proposed that terminalla chebula balances the entire body mentally and physically - placing your body in a perfect state of balance during times of intense stress.

Terminalia Chebula is called the "King of Medicines" by those in India…

It's always listed first in the Ayurvedic meteria medica because of its extraordinary powers of healing.

According to Charak, the most eminent Ayurvedic physician, Terminalia Chebula is the best fruit for rejuvenation and disease cure.

Additional Terminalia Chebula benefits:

* Also contains antioxidant components, which indicates it may increase the life of tissues.

* In Ayurveda, Terminalia Chebula is used for 'Srotoshodhana' or purifying the channels of body

* It's thought to stimulate & protect the liver.

* When taken with meals, it's believed to sharpen the intellect, increases strength, stimulates the senses, expel urine, stool and other waste materials from the body.

* It's used in nervous weakness & irritability. It promotes the receiving power of the five senses.

* Based on its comprehensive properties, it promotes appetite and helps indigestion.

Cellmend™ Research

Oxidative Stress and Lipid Peroxidation are recently being implicated in a wide-range of physiological disorders, due to their damaging effects on cell transcription and homeostasis.

Oxidative Stress is the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) such as peroxides and free radicals, as a result of an imbalance in cellular reduction – that is, as the mitochondria metabolize energy, they undergo cellular respiration; this process produces ‘reactive oxygen', and damaging reactive oxygen species arise when the body cannot readily detoxify the intermediates in this process.

Oxidative Stress then ensues when the body cannot repair the stress from the initial reaction, or as mentioned, readily redox the productive aspect of cellular respiration.

The tangible effects of OS are inhibited DNA and protein transcription, membrane instability, aptosis, or ultimately, necrosis. Such conditions play a prominent role in degradative neural diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Lipid Peroxidation (LP) is a highly similar process, and involves the degradative oxidation of cell plasma membranes (as cell membranes are comprised almost entirely of lipid strains).

Ultimately, LP results in cell membrane instability, and acute cellular damage. It is also implicated in a wide-range of physiological disorders.

…As a result of these damaging processes, much research is being conducted in the field of anti-oxidants – or, compounds which combat the oxidative stresses of cellular respiration and free radical production.

Recent research has revealed Terminalia Chebula (TC) has both potent secondary and direct effects on oxidative stress.

On a study conducted on dermal wounds, TC increased cellular DNA and total protein expression of cells within the wound, as well as significantly decreasing lipid peroxidase and increasing DPPH radical quenching capacity [4].

Further, tensile strength of the wounded tissue was increased 40% post-healing, suggesting that TC significantly increased cellular membrane stability and that post-reactive stress was greatly attenuated [3].

This is very promising data in respects to resistance training, insofar as the increase of tensile strength in TC healed tissue may result in increased fiber density and resistance to load capacity.

In addition to its potent anti-oxidative and healing capacity, TC is also an anti-microbial/anti-bacterial agent; significantly increasing the body's resistance to Staff Infection [3], and E. Coli proliferation [1].

TC has also been shown to mitigate hepatic oxidative stress, via its aforementioned anti-oxidative and membrane stabilizing capacities [2].

Current clinical data suggests TC may be a novel approach to resistance training induced oxidative stress; significantly attenuating membrane degrdatation, ROS production, lipid peroxidation, as well as increasing total cellular DNA and protein levels –direct precursors to cellular repair.

[1] Growth-Inhibiting Activity of Active Component Isolated from Terminalia chebula Fruits against Intestinal Bacteria. Kim, H.G et al. Journal of Food Protection®, Volume 69, Number 9,September 2006 , pp. 2205-2209(5)

[2] Terminalia chebula (fruit) prevents liver toxicity caused by sub-chronic administration of rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide in combination. S A Tasduq et al. Division of Pharmacology and Natural Products Chemistry, Regional Research Laboratory, (CSIR).

[3] Influence of Terminalia chebula on dermal wound healing in rats. Lonchin Sugung et al. Department of
Biochemistry, Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India. 2002.


Patrick Arnold's view on the subject:

"do any of you believe for one second that they grow their own herbs and extract them themselves?

37 step extraction process. yeah right

this reeks of a quick in, quick out scheme. Go over the top and do everything you can to make everyone buy as much as they can as fast as they can ("please be fair to everyone and buy no more than 12!")

then by the time rumor gets around that its garbage you have made a killing"

Pat Arnold is a dip sh%T. He knocks any product that he does not formulate...common knowledge.

USPlabs PRIME will murder 11-oxo head to head and 11-oxo is hormonal and he charged 79.99 for a 2 week supply...Who did the get rich quick scheme?


  • Established
Pat Arnold is a dip sh%T. He knocks any product that he does not formulate...common knowledge.
LOL I just ignored the post once I saw his name in it....

The guy is a walking ego and will do anything to slam another product and make his look innovative and unique. He hasnt pulled out anything unique since the FIRST 1-ad.... this second one has been on the market for almost a year now but of course hes acting like hes bringing fresh meat to the table..


LOL, sounds like a wonder product. Hardness, pumps and gains but no hormonal activity?

Sounds too good to be true - in fact, it sounds impossible.
Impossible until USPlabs PRIME was released.

Moronic to still be skeptical with 10-15 un sponsored logs praising the product and living up the marketing.

But I suggest that you ignore USPlabs and do not purchase the's not for you.


LOL I just ignored the post once I saw his name in it....

The guy is a walking ego and will do anything to slam another product and make his look innovative and unique. He hasnt pulled out anything unique since the FIRST 1-ad.... this second one has been on the market for almost a year now but of course hes acting like hes bringing fresh meat to the table..

Yea lets make 6-oxo Xtreme and charge 54.99 for a 14 day supply and some resveratrol and PA spit to make it unique.

Follow him on the boards, He *****es and moans about every other company and never praises one unless he is involved in the "private label" aspect of it.

If anything his crying me a river act is deceptive..


  • Established
Yea lets make 6-oxo Xtreme and charge 54.99 for a 14 day supply and some resveratrol and PA spit to make it unique.

Follow him on the boards, He *****es and moans about every other company and never praises one unless he is involved in the "private label" aspect of it.

If anything his crying me a river act is deceptive..
Its the sheople mentality of though and sadly it looks as though more and more of his cronies are leaking over here.... Hopefully they will be turned and the veil removed from their eyes BUT if not then just keep that shiii somewhere else.


I agree, waaaaay too expensive.

Maybe need the USPL stack nd then run some bulks of the mins in the other products, save the name brand stuff for when all the uspl stuff runs out....

Im one for getting in all the essentials and then some but thats a ton of dough to dump in a month.

Innovation is not cheap.


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I'm liking Prime.. and am pretty sure it's only gonna get better. I'm rounding out week 2, and am about to go to 8 or 9 caps per day.. :)


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Any samples :0) ??????? Definitely going to hold out until the verdict is in. can't be droppin 55 dollars on something under so much scrutiny.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Moronic to still be skeptical with 10-15 un sponsored logs praising the product and living up the marketing.
I have read a few logs(not all, so i could easily have missed this), but doesn't seem to be any tangible results.. Just allot of "i feel good in the gym" " my sleep is good" "i am hungry more often". Those seem like the most common placebo effects on ANY product.

This is a supposed "muscle pill" so the results people want to see is MUSCLE GAINS. Before and after pics of said results.

I know this may obviously be too soon for this type of result, but to say people(potential customers) are morons for being skeptical of a "muscle pill" with no evidence of muscle, is a bit ridiculous.

You really can't blame people for being skeptical in an industry where these types of results have been promised by 90% of the products for the last few decades.. Everything is the end all be all to supplements, and almost all fail to deliver.


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I know it worked very well for me when I ran it during the beta testing. My video testimonial is on the writup. But I’ll summarize; at the conclusion of my run I did a competition and set meet PR’s for myself that still stand in regards to my total (2150), my bench(650), and my Deadlift(695). I felt like I could have crushed the squat as well but due to inconsistent judging only got my opener (805) but the strength was there and I had planned on a 900+.

I’m not new to this game and as an elite lifter putting up bigger numbers becomes increasingly harder. And I know when something is working for me as I’m not one of those people that’s still at the point where they are putting on mass and strength rapidly.

I loved the stuff, and based on my results from last time I ran it I’m very excited to be running it again leading up to my next competition.

The numbers don’t lie. Feel free to drop into my log for my training leading up to this next competition using Prime, and see where it takes me.


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The numbers don’t lie.
AMEN.... :hammer::hammer::hammer:

The people that are scrutinizing this product are those that have not used it yet.

I am on day 4. Time will tell.


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AMEN.... :hammer::hammer::hammer:

The people that are scrutinizing this product are those that have not used it yet.

I am on day 4. Time will tell.
And you want to talk positive aggression in the gym…I had that!!!

At the meet at the end of my prime cycle I dropped 630lbs on my face, tweaked my elbow, and had a numb face…And told them to load the bar to 650 and hit it!

That’s the type attitude and confidence in my strength I had from that cycle.

Details and vid here for anyone that thinks this stuff is made up.

Follow along with my current log and see where it takes me. Its not like I can make up the results as all the results are posted online and my training during cycle is documented with videos.

The numbers don’t lie, so you will see either way.


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I am interested in Prime as well and have been seeing mainly the "feeling" symptoms as well. Not much actual weight gain or size noted yet in any of the logs i have looked at. I understand elites and such, but i am more interested in the average person such as mainly what this board is filled with. I am still following the prime logs and waiting to see what the average final weight/mass gain is to be.


New member
I know it worked very well for me when I ran it during the beta testing. My video testimonial is on the writup. But I’ll summarize; at the conclusion of my run I did a competition and set meet PR’s for myself that still stand in regards to my total (2150), my bench(650), and my Deadlift(695). I felt like I could have crushed the squat as well but due to inconsistent judging only got my opener (805) but the strength was there and I had planned on a 900+.

I’m not new to this game and as an elite lifter putting up bigger numbers becomes increasingly harder. And I know when something is working for me as I’m not one of those people that’s still at the point where they are putting on mass and strength rapidly.

I loved the stuff, and based on my results from last time I ran it I’m very excited to be running it again leading up to my next competition.

The numbers don’t lie. Feel free to drop into my log for my training leading up to this next competition using Prime, and see where it takes me.
Yea i know what you mean i dont put up numbers like that but i was at that point where no matter what i did or what i took nothing would work.Taking prime for 3 weeks numbers started going up.Age 37 things slow down.


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Pat Arnold is a dip sh%T. He knocks any product that he does not formulate...common knowledge.

USPlabs PRIME will murder 11-oxo head to head and 11-oxo is hormonal and he charged 79.99 for a 2 week supply...Who did the get rich quick scheme?
In all honesty, the 11-OXO is steep, but it is the best supplement I have used so far that has 100% lived up to it's claims. If Prime can come close I'd be a huge fan. Waiting on the logs and then we'll see if I purchase.


  • Established
Innovation is not cheap.
I was reffering to the muscle pharm supps.... I would def pay for the USPL stack for a month but not top it off with a muscle pharm stack, Id use bulks to cover the basics found in the MP stuff.


I have read a few logs(not all, so i could easily have missed this), but doesn't seem to be any tangible results.. Just allot of "i feel good in the gym" " my sleep is good" "i am hungry more often". Those seem like the most common placebo effects on ANY product.

This is a supposed "muscle pill" so the results people want to see is MUSCLE GAINS. Before and after pics of said results.

I know this may obviously be too soon for this type of result, but to say people(potential customers) are morons for being skeptical of a "muscle pill" with no evidence of muscle, is a bit ridiculous.

You really can't blame people for being skeptical in an industry where these types of results have been promised by 90% of the products for the last few decades.. Everything is the end all be all to supplements, and almost all fail to deliver.
The logs are very early. Why doubt the log before it finishes?

I do not think gaining 15-20lbs on your deadlift in 5 days is "tangible" at all.

I do not think the speed of recovery from exercise is "tangilbe" at all.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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The logs are very early. Why doubt the log before it finishes?
Why praise the log before they finish? Like you said(and i said) it is still very early.

I must say i do doubt the product, but that is more based on its claims vs every other million products to claim the same, or similar things.

I am not jumping to any conclusions though as far as to say it does or doesn't work. For all i know it is in fact a significant breakthrough. But the burden of proof is on you. Ill sit and watch, with a semi open mind..

I will say I doubted Recreate, for the same reasons above. I had decent results with it though. Not really like the claims, but enough to where i'd use it a gain, if needed. :cheers:


Why praise the log before they finish? Like you said(and i said) it is still very early.

I must say i do doubt the product, but that is more based on its claims vs every other million products to claim the same, or similar things.

I am not jumping to any conclusions though as far as to say it does or doesn't work. For all i know it is in fact a significant breakthrough. But the burden of proof is on you. Ill sit and watch, with a semi open mind..

I will say I doubted Recreate, for the same reasons above. I had decent results with it though. Not really like the claims, but enough to where i'd use it a gain, if needed. :cheers:
I'm not praising them just acknowledging whats currently happening...

The burben of proof does fall on the supplement's performance. I'm not running from that fact.

I did not start this thread titled "PRIME is the bomb."


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You need to man up and stop taking those wimpy steriods like Epi, Superdrol stacked with Phera, both at high doses, for at least 10 weeks, and without any support or PCT. You know, just so you can prove you're a real guy's guy. There's a certain lack of aggression from you which is obvious if you look into it.

I do like your disclaimer.
I like it too, it made me laugh when I said it. :thumbsup:

I've ran only one cycle, thank you. I've ran Epistane, with a support list and PCT that got me through just dandy. :D I thought it was an altogether good experience.

There is no aggression towards anyone like you because the internet is filled with people just to start trouble, flame and insult people. You have no log, stats, or pics? You might as well be a pudgy 14 year old for all I know. You couldn't make me mad if you tried. The weights can get me amped though, and that is what I live for. Take it or leave it, I really don't care.

Nope, I don't buy into the hype of Prime, and you couldn't get me to buy a bottle of it for 60 bucks. I'm not here to be a jerk, I was stating my honest opinion. Flame me if you want, I've taken the time to run a non-sponsored log of USP's recreate and anabolic pump. I found them to be good products. Did they wow me so much as to make me think that USP has cracked the code with this new product Prime? Nope it doesn't. I mean, people are telling people not to stack this with other products because it is so powerful. I mean, come on... don't stack a herbal extract?...

I am familiar with the brand and I am familiar with Trib. I have NEVER yet found an herb that is as potent as it is marketed, as far as anabolic properties go. If I am missing out, then so be it, and I am sure if it is what it says it is, within two months everyone and their mom's will be buying it up and USP will have as much money as muscle-tech. We'll see I guess.

I like USP just fine, Recreate is my favorite fat burner at the moment, but let someone have an opinion different than yours, even if it is strong, without taking it personally. :afro:


I like it too, it made me laugh when I said it. :thumbsup:

I've ran only one cycle, thank you. I've ran Epistane, with a support list and PCT that got me through just dandy. :D I thought it was an altogether good experience.

There is no aggression towards anyone like you because the internet is filled with people just to start trouble, flame and insult people. You have no log, stats, or pics? You might as well be a pudgy 14 year old for all I know. You couldn't make me mad if you tried. The weights can get me amped though, and that is what I live for. Take it or leave it, I really don't care.

Nope, I don't buy into the hype of Prime, and you couldn't get me to buy a bottle of it for 60 bucks. I'm not here to be a jerk, I was stating my honest opinion. Flame me if you want, I've taken the time to run a non-sponsored log of USP's recreate and anabolic pump. I found them to be good products. Did they wow me so much as to make me think that USP has cracked the code with this new product Prime? Nope it doesn't. I mean, people are telling people not to stack this with other products because it is so powerful. I mean, come on... don't stack a herbal extract?...

I am familiar with the brand and I am familiar with Trib. I have NEVER yet found an herb that is as potent as it is marketed, as far as anabolic properties go. If I am missing out, then so be it, and I am sure if it is what it says it is, within two months everyone and their mom's will be buying it up and USP will have as much money as muscle-tech. We'll see I guess.

I like USP just fine, Recreate is my favorite fat burner at the moment, but let someone have an opinion different than yours, even if it is strong, without taking it personally. :afro:

Two months it will be the hottest supplement on the internet.

Remember many Drugs begin as herbs.

The industry created skeptics and what works for one will not work for the others.

By all means, you can stick to the "hardcore" designer steroids. You are the consumer. You make the choice, and I respect that aspect of business.

By no means am I pointing a gun to the head of the consumers, but we have created something unqiue and very effective and the currenty feedback is surpassing my expectations.


Werd.. But hard to take someone who said seriously..

We will see though!
Should we view your past history on the "internet" to validate what is truth and what is false?

How can you disprove what he "feels" if you have not used the supplement...seems a bit jaded.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Should we view your past history on the "internet" to validate what is truth and what is false?

How can you disprove what he "feels" if you have not used the supplement...seems a bit jaded.
What if i have used the supplement? Then can i comment? Am i still jaded?

As for past history.. it was said in the first post in this thread. Hardly past history.. I am not one to dig up peoples posts.. Everyone learns over the years, and evolves their know how.. Ill be the first to say i have said, and done some dumb ass things back in the


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Two months it will be the hottest supplement on the internet.

Remember many Drugs begin as herbs.

The industry created skeptics and what works for one will not work for the others.

By all means, you can stick to the "hardcore" designer steroids. You are the consumer. You make the choice, and I respect that aspect of business.

By no means am I pointing a gun to the head of the consumers, but we have created something unqiue and very effective and the currenty feedback is surpassing my expectations.
I wasn't trying to compare it to designers, nor am I saying that I believe that anyone should substitute designers in place of this product. I'm not here to hate, just to speak my opinion. I just think that some of the claims sound like ever other "breakthrough product" that we see come and go. I personally think a lot of people jump on bandwagons. If it's the real deal, then the product will speak for itself and everyone will be hyuge, and I'll be the one on the back of the bandwagon with my foot in my mouth, but I am gonna have to wait this one out for now.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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I am now up a solid 3lbs (153lbs morning - 157lbs evening) in just over one week with Prime. 3lbs might not sound like a lot but I had been stuck at 150lbs for the last few months. I am confident on my current diet( same for the last 6 months) that I will gain 10lbs solid pounds in 30day with Prime.

My Prime log with Pics....
First off, you are in excellent shape for 41, good work!

Will be following along for AFTER pics. Good luck with the rest of your log.


First off, you are in excellent shape for 41, good work!

Will be following along for AFTER pics. Good luck with the rest of your log.
Thanks for the complement...
If Prime will work on my 41 year old body just think what it will do on the young pups....If 3 weeks is the sweet spot then watch out because it is hard to explain but my workouts are feeling very easy... I have to make myself stop and this is no joke.


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I heard USP labs iz da bomb!!!

Paying $50 for some cheap indian herbs (which btw you can get at your local indian market for a cheap bargain!) has never been so satisfying.

Btw Jacob, you might wanna check your Golden Triangle storage space, i had some flooding last week in mine. Dont want those labels getting damaged!

- Mashed. :D


I heard USP labs iz da bomb!!!

Paying $50 for some cheap indian herbs (which btw you can get at your local indian market for a cheap bargain!) has never been so satisfying.

Btw Jacob, you might wanna check your Golden Triangle storage space, i had some flooding last week in mine. Dont want those labels getting damaged!

- Mashed. :D
Come by and visit big guy.

Bill Gates started his company in his garage...just saying but love your signature because with hard work and great products great feats are accomplished, and the hate is validation especially coming from a Mashedpotatoe. Thank you for validatiing my success!

Products are manufactured GMP in India.


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REMOVED - Search it yourself guys. made my point.

Last edited:


Well-known member
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Come by and visit big guy.

Bill Gates started his company in his garage...just saying but love your signature because with hard work and great products great feats are accomplished, and the hate is validation especially coming from a Mashedpotatoe. Thank you for validatiing my success!

Products are manufactured GMP in India.


Your products are bunk, your marketing is bunk, your whole company is bunk.

Those herbs...Fields in

You buy cheap herbs available anywhere, and market them as steroid like gains. Bs bro....simply b.s


At some point you bubble had to burst....i was gonna let y'all slide, but with the recent childish over ladies.


And did you just admit you make it in your garage?! Isnt that a little unhygienic? BTW bill gates bought the code from a garage sale....get it right.



Your products are bunk, your marketing is bunk, your whole company is bunk.

Those herbs...Fields in

You buy cheap herbs available anywhere, and market them as steroid like gains. Bs bro....simply b.s


At some point you bubble had to burst....i was gonna let y'all slide, but with the recent childish over ladies.


And did you just admit you make it in your garage?! Isnt that a little unhygienic? BTW bill gates bought the code from a garage sale....get it right.

You do not read correctly.

Funny how we are "fooling" people after 4 years in the industry.

We manufacture in dummy.

Like I said come by and say hi or remain faceless its your integrity,





Now heres some fun!

1) All go to:
2) Enter: 3941 WATERFORD, DENTON, TX
3) Go To satellite view
4) Zoom in
5) Select Street view:

Voila! USP labs - that a house?

Sure is my home office in my house.

Come by for some tea big guy.

this must be the third time you post my house address.


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Two months it will be the hottest supplement on the internet.
That doesn't necessarily say anything about the product though. Look at Muscle-tech for instance............

I'm not a hater, though. I'd try some if I had the moola! Maybe I'll up my plasma donations :toofunny:


Is this true???

Yes, I registered my business with my home address.

Yes, we manufacture in India under GMP.

Yes, we have 2000 square feet warehouse/storage that is climate controlled where Finished product from India is stored and distributed from.


That doesn't necessarily say anything about the product though. Look at Muscle-tech for instance............

I'm not a hater, though. I'd try some if I had the moola! Maybe I'll up my plasma donations :toofunny:

The product feedback is amazing.


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I like it too, it made me laugh when I said it. :thumbsup:

I've ran only one cycle, thank you. I've ran Epistane, with a support list and PCT that got me through just dandy. :D I thought it was an altogether good experience.

There is no aggression towards anyone like you because the internet is filled with people just to start trouble, flame and insult people. You have no log, stats, or pics? You might as well be a pudgy 14 year old for all I know. You couldn't make me mad if you tried. The weights can get me amped though, and that is what I live for. Take it or leave it, I really don't care.

Nope, I don't buy into the hype of Prime, and you couldn't get me to buy a bottle of it for 60 bucks. I'm not here to be a jerk, I was stating my honest opinion. Flame me if you want, I've taken the time to run a non-sponsored log of USP's recreate and anabolic pump. I found them to be good products. Did they wow me so much as to make me think that USP has cracked the code with this new product Prime? Nope it doesn't. I mean, people are telling people not to stack this with other products because it is so powerful. I mean, come on... don't stack a herbal extract?...

I am familiar with the brand and I am familiar with Trib. I have NEVER yet found an herb that is as potent as it is marketed, as far as anabolic properties go. If I am missing out, then so be it, and I am sure if it is what it says it is, within two months everyone and their mom's will be buying it up and USP will have as much money as muscle-tech. We'll see I guess.

I like USP just fine, Recreate is my favorite fat burner at the moment, but let someone have an opinion different than yours, even if it is strong, without taking it personally. :afro:
LMFAO! So no log or no pics makes him fat 14 y/o? You said the same thing to me like 3 days ago. You are such a douche!


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I love the looks of definately looks like the real deal. Can't wait to start it....i'll keep you posted!
Looks like the real deal? Is that printed on the pill or something?

Who writes this sh*t?


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The same guy who's handle is musclemilk LMOLMOMLMOMLLOLOLOL

Just playin

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