--The Trinity Project--


New member
Brothers and sisters of fitness,

I am conducting a 4-month, summer-long training journal involving three key components: bodybuilding, powerlifting, and mixed martial arts. Bodybuilding is not a subject that is new to me, but I have never trained for powerlifting or MMA. Ergo, this log will be an experiment and learning experience. All three will be done RECREATIONALLY, meaning I am not looking to compete in competitions of any kind for the time being. For now, these are my goals:

General Goals
1.) Learn powerlifting fundamentals
2.) Learn MMA fundamentals
3.) Attain a balanced physique, clear skin
4.) Gain tens of pounds of lean mass
5.) Attain a low bodyfat percentage
6.) Learn to live a completely fitness-oriented lifestyle
7.) Look and feel better
8.) Increase overall health

Tentative Goals
1.) Weigh 210 lbs.
2.) Have 8% bf.
3.) Bench 400lbs.
4.) Win a sparring match
5.) Have a ____lb. total (Undecided)

Journal Goals
1.) To provide readers with direct, to-the-point, and unexaggerated experiences and information.
2.) To prove that we are capable of withstanding a great deal of physical challenges.
3.) To prove that we are capable of substantial physical improvements in short amounts of time.
4.) To prove that even the recreational fitness fanatic can achieve notable accomplishments.
5.) To provide positive motivation to anyone looking to partake in any of these activities or a similar lifestyle in general.

Everything relating to fitness in my day will be posted in this journal: my diet, my training, my health habits, my cycle, my supplements, and my results. All information is open to comment and/or critique as long as it is constructive. Here is where I stand:

Body Stats
1.) Height - 6'2''
2.) Weight - 189lbs.
3.) Body Fat - 14%
4.) Measurements - Yet to be taken
(Tall, moderately broad shoulders, average waist, moderately long limbs)

Lift Stats
1.) Bench - Yet to be taken
2.) Deadlift - Yet to be taken
3.) Squat - Yet to be taken
4.) Leg Press - Yet to be taken
5.) Military - Yet to be taken
6.) Preacher Curl - Yet to be taken
7.) Pull-ups - Yet to be taken

Cycle Stats
1.) Testosterone Propionate - 100mgs ED (700mgs/week)
2.) Masteron Propionate - 75mgs ED (525mgs/week)
3.) Trenbolone Acetate - 50mgs ED (350mgs/week)
(Will increase doses as needed, 4th steroid cycle)

Supplement Stats
1.) B-12 complex injection - 500mgs 2xD (1000mgs/day)
2.) Humalog - 10iu post-lift (60iu/week)
3.) Clenbuterol - Undecided
4.) IGF-1 - Undecided
5.) Accutane - As Necessary

I will be moving to Columbus, Ohio (the bodybuilding capital of the eastern United States) for the summer. I have not shopped for food there at this time to see what is available and affordable.

1.) Will post later

Keeping a balance of training between the three sports will be difficult. I will train for powerlifting on the same days I will train for bodybuilding and train for MMA on days I'm not doing cardio.

1.) Bodybuilding - 30-60 minutes 5xWeek
2.) Powerlifting - 30 minutes 3xWeek
3.) MMA - 120 minutes 3xWeek
4.) Incline walking at 15 degrees - 30 minutes 3xWeek

There are various other tidbits of information that I feel is required in order for you to comment and critique accurately.

Other Information
1.) I have trained for bodybuilding in the past with a max weight of 212lbs.
2.) I have not trained in the past 9 months because of personal issues, and have lost all of my strength, size, stamina, and overall health.
3.) I will be working full-time on top of training.

Any additional information that you feel is necessary will be posted. I hope you enjoy this journal and learn as much from my experiences as I do during my attempt to become a hybrid athlete.


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