need short routine


New member
I need a short routine to help start losing weight.I am working a two weeks on two weeks off schedule at 14 hours or more a day. So time is real limited . Any advice is welcome.
live to lift

live to lift

Active member
I need a short routine to help start losing weight.I am working a two weeks on two weeks off schedule at 14 hours or more a day. So time is real limited . Any advice is welcome.
Im doing a program right now thats about 25 min. Excluding warmup sets and stretchin its 3 days a week and it focuses primarily on three power lifts, bench press, deadlift and squat for example on chest day you do your warmp 5-10 min treadmill etc. Then warmup sets for bench then you max out on bench then rest 5 min and start your circut which is bench press 5 reps then pushups 20 reps. Following that you have shoulder press 10 reps then med ball jump snatch 15 reps then incline dumbell bench 10 reps followed by dips 15 reps catch your breath and repeat the idea is to do as many sets as you can in 25 minutes and each week instead of focusing on adding weight your suppose to focus on adding sets.


Eat below maintenance and you'll lose weight without even exercising

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