CKD and T3


New member
Hey guys i was just wondering if any of you have tried running t3 while on a ketogenic diet. I search but didnt really seem to find anything. I dont plan on trying this I was just thinking about the effects it would have. Would the person get into ketosis faster because he has a higher state of going through nutrients and calories or would it stay the same? Also would it cause a massive amount of muscle loss because the person wasnt taking in alot of carbs?


There is no problem with T3 on a ketogenic diet. I've used t3 on ckd, tkd, palumbo diet, ultimate diet and never had any issues.

I definitely can push the limits of carb intake and stay in ketosis, however I can't attribute that to the t3... It may be part of it though.

Also on TKD and UD 2.0 I've actually been able to increase LBM while on t3.

I suppose it is person dependent, but I would forget your worries concerning t3 and ketogenic diets.

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