help with cycle


New member
I would like to know what u think of my cutting cycle.
Male 47
248 lbs
17% bf
Lifting most of my adult life, trying to come back from a motorcycle accident.
Eight broken ribs, a cracked pelvis, broken left leg (eight screws and a ss plate still in),skull fracture, dislocated right shoulder and torn rotator cuff and so on……………my body weight went up to 315 lbs in 8 months since the doctor cleared me to start working out I am down to 248 lbs. I have not used gear in years………..cardio is tuff right leg can’t take the abuse.

Week Clenbuterol T3 Arimidex Nolvadex
1 40mcgs/ED 20mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 40mgs/ED
2 60mcgs/ED 20mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 40mgs/ED
3 --OFF--/ 40mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 40mgs/ED
4 --OFF-- /40mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 40mgs/ED
5 60mcgs/ED 60mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 40mgs/ED
6 80mcgs/ED 40mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 40mgs/ED
7 --OFF--/ 20mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED
8 80mcgs/ED 20mcgs/ED 0.25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED
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