Really Deep Knot


Active member
I'm hoping for some insight on muscle knots in tricky places.

About a week ago I developed a knot in the left side of my hip and/or glute. It's a real bitch and hip dominant lifts are nearly impossible. I inadvertantly dip and wiggle in the hole. It's an injury waiting to happen.

I'm trying everything I know to loosen it up. Foam rolling, a golf ball and a baseball, stretching and a hot, epsom salt bath.

The golf ball and IT band stretches give very temporary relief, nothing else has much effect. It's not just tight but painful, about like a muscle strain but a different sensation. It's a powerful cramp and pulls my left shoulder blade down, which in turn pulls on my neck, causing knots in my neck too. In the morning before I do some stretches, it looks like I have an extreme case of scoliosis.

I have an appointment with an ART specialist but can't get in for a few weeks. Short of finding a prescription mill for muscle relaxers, and I avoid medicine when possible, I don't know what to do.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Well-known member
Try to see a chiropractor too! I was in a car accident a few years back, and it kinda jacked my spine and hip alignment, which in turn actually gave me a lot of muscular pain. A few trips to the chiro, and I was good as new

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