Fascia Stretching



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There is a huge buzz going around with FST-7 training, which tries to stretch the fascia tissue to allow for more muscle growth. Reading into FST-7, it basically aims for a huge pump to finish off muscles (7x8-12 reps).

If stretching fascia is caused by pumps, can't skin tearing pumps you get from NO products do the same thing?


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There is a huge buzz going around with FST-7 training, which tries to stretch the fascia tissue to allow for more muscle growth. Reading into FST-7, it basically aims for a huge pump to finish off muscles (7x8-12 reps).

If stretching fascia is caused by pumps, can't skin tearing pumps you get from NO products do the same thing?
huh? i dont understand the question.


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I think the NO products just enhances the pump you get from a final high rep set.
The whole doing a higher rep set at the end of several heavier sets has been around since the old days for the same reason. The stretching part of the DC program is supposed to be for the same fascia stretching purpose also.

For another way to do this, look up foam rolling.
Not only will it help stretch the fascia, but it helps with mobility and range of motion issues as well. It helps with everything from shoulder issues to loosening up the hips in order to get deeper into the hole on squats without letting your pelvis roll under.
Good stuff.


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Might wanna read about FST-7 first.
I know what facia stretching is, i was running a DC program, and i researched the science behind it. I just dont understand where the no product comes into play with your question. I think skin tearing pumps is just a way to describe the "power" of the no product, its not literall.


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I think the NO products just enhances the pump you get from a final high rep set.
The whole doing a higher rep set at the end of several heavier sets has been around since the old days for the same reason. The stretching part of the DC program is supposed to be for the same fascia stretching purpose also.

For another way to do this, look up foam rolling.
Not only will it help stretch the fascia, but it helps with mobility and range of motion issues as well. It helps with everything from shoulder issues to loosening up the hips in order to get deeper into the hole on squats without letting your pelvis roll under.
Good stuff.

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