Sostonol 250


I have read so many negative threads about how bad sos 250 is. I know it has 3 methyl compounds in it and it can be very toxic to the liver. I am fairly new at using phs and im wondering has anyone who has taken it experienced any negative effects from it. I took sos 250 in January for about three weeks. While I was on it I took milk thistle 3 times a day (morn, noon, night) and for pct I use revive and then Novadex XT. I started out weighing 202lbs. During the three weeks I went up to 216lbs around the beginning of FEB. Today I am at a steady 208lbs and haven't been to the gym in about a month due to surgury. I had awesome results with, i guess no side effects, except I slept alot during and after the cycle. I bought it again on EBAY and am going to start one final cycle of this in about a month. I already have it and paid close to $100 for it. Does anyone have any experience with SOS 250 or any advice. THANKS

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