Herbs and extract - wholesalers?


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Since what I'm asking for isn't illegal... there isn't any harm in asking.

Herbs and extract - wholesalers? (from outside the US or CANADA..)

If anyone can assist me in finding wholesalers of raw herbs and extracts from originating west indian countries, I'd greatly appreciate it.. If your curious, I'll tell ya more.. but I'm frustrated and want to take matters into my own hands before it becomes to late.. :aargh:

pm or email me... Peace.


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Trying to find a source for cissus quadrangularis?


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Trying to find a source for cissus quadrangularis?
Maybe... hehe

It's still legal in Canada.. but Canada usually isn't far behind on pulling the plug on something.. in fact usually they are quicker to pull the plug. I'd hate to miss the boat on this one... Cause I'm a true believer, and I've never felt so pain free since I started Cissus... I seriously don't want to go back to life without it..

Shoulder lifts, and tricep lifts have risen dramatically based soley on the fact that my shoulders don't colapse any more.. and my eblow and tendon don't threaten to jump off and snap.. it's truly been remarkable.. (I'm doing 3 sets of 8 at 135 pounds.. overhead BB tricep extensions.. with no pain.. as opposed to 80 pounds, and lots of pain before cissus.. for example). Oh and wrists... wrists feel so much better.

there was a time when incline press motions brought a tear to my eye in fact..

I'm just trying to save my ass before the ship has sailed ya know... :(

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