Rebound XT

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New member
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and was wondering how well RXT works for puberty gained gyno? I've had gyno since 6-7th grade and am a junior in a highschool now. I've attached pictures so you can see it. Would you suggest taking it and what are the side effects? Is it better than Nolvadex? Will it work for puberty gained gyno or only for gyno attained from steroids?

*BTW* What is PCT?



New member
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and was wondering how well RXT works for puberty gained gyno? I've had gyno since 6-7th grade and am a junior in a highschool now. I've attached pictures so you can see it. Would you suggest taking it and what are the side effects? Is it better than Nolvadex? Will it work for puberty gained gyno or only for gyno attained from steroids?

*BTW* What is PCT?
good job for posting pics, not many would have the guts too.
you should get a couple bottles of the stuff and take 3, maybe 4 a day for a week, and lower amount if feeling bad sides but try it. The stuff isnt too expensive (i have a couple bottles on their way to me)
Post pictures with results as many people have 'said' they have had good results but picture results would be quite an achievement for the stuff too.


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This kid is 16 and should not be fucking around with anything that's going to alter his hormone levels, period. If you don't like the gyno, go to a doctor.
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