Yoshimbe and Dexaprine, down regulation......



New member
OK, to start with lets just say in my younger days I have experimented with party drugs, and am normally very stim tolerant and have done clen, Ephedrine and Dexaprine before.

I've got Dexaprine and I only really feel the effects for 4 days once going on the supplement... However the appetite suppressant qualities last a while.

I read somewhere that eventually your receptors will get used to Dexaprine and therefore it will have less effect..... I love the appetite suppressant qualities of it, will these effects become less and less? Im thinking they will as in general any stim I have taken before provides less effect and as appetite is controlled by your brain, I would naturally think the effects would become less pronounced..... Am I right?

Because of my tendencies to be stim tolerant I am thinking of cycling Dexaprine at like 3-4 weeks a time and then Yoshimbe at 3-4 weeks time for a good couple of months... Will this be effective? I basically want two chemicals that impact differently, so my receptors etc dont get downgraded quickly and two chemicals that have an impact on appetite.....

Advice would be greatly received.


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