supplement for female?


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my cousin is gonna start training and wants to know whats the best fat burner for her?


Clean diet and exercise is the place to start. 30 minutes of cardio adn do not neglect the weights. Muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.

Seek out Crader. She will give you sage advice for your cousin.


Clean diet and exercise is the place to start. 30 minutes of cardio adn do not neglect the weights. Muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.

Seek out Crader. She will give you sage advice for your cousin.
Double all that. Even the crader part!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Suggestions on fat loss (before turning to a fat burner)

my cousin is gonna start training and wants to know whats the best fat burner for her?

Is her diet in check? Because if it isn't getting a fat burner should not be the priority. Diet is the KEY to fat loss. If she's "gonna start training" then the best fat burner out there is her DIET. get that sorted and she should be fine. Being a newbie to training means that her gains/results would happen relatively quickly. And if her diet was targeted as fat loss (which I assume she wants), then she shall be fine. With diet and training alone a decrease of 0.5-0.7% BF per week is very doable.


1. First, you need to work out what your MAINTENANCE calories are (There are various methods and equations that you can use to calculate this; most take into account current body mass, height, and activity level). Then, to lose fat, you need to make sure that you’re having up to 500 calories LESS than maintenance. Depending on how fast or slow you lose the fat, you can adjust and tweak your calorie intake each week.
2. Eat every 2-3 hours after waking. This helps keep the metabolism going throughout the day, as well as keeping insulin levels stable (so, you can see that 3 meals is simply NOT enough, even small portions).
3. EVERY meal should have complex carbohydrates [CHO] (i.e. kumara, rice, oats, etc.), QUALITY LEAN protein (chicken breast, fish, tuna, salmon, lean beef, egg whites, etc.), and FIBROUS CHO (i.e. vegetables, green ones in particular).
4. Drink 4.5 litres of water per day. This will help keep the system clean.
5. It has been proven that TWO servings of DAIRY per day helps lose MORE fat than if one avoids it altogether.
6. Do NOT avoid fat (The only fat she should be avoiding is Saturated fat and Trans fats). You NEED fat in your diet, as fat plays major roles in energy metabolism and other parts of your body (Wardlaw & Hampl, 2007). Make sure to have at least 30 grams of GOOD fats (i.e. flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, fish oils, peanut butter, nuts - especially almonds and walnuts, hempseed oil, olive oil, etc.) per day (i.e. this is ~2 tbsp of flaxseed oil or peanut butter).
7. Don’t drink tea or coffee. Try drinking GREEN tea instead; it helps with thermogenesis, and is especially good if you take it one hour before doing cardio first thing in the morning.
8. Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol has NO nutritional value and is full of calories.
9. Minimize adding salt to food. Instead, flavour a meal with herbs and spices (i.e. ginger, cumin, cayenne pepper, curry powder, chilli powder, and garlic all help thermogenesis a bit).
10. The only sugar needed on a regular basis is the NATURAL sugars found in food; these are mostly found in fruit. Too much sugar plays havoc with insulin levels and these should be as stable as possible throughout the day. The best time to be having sugar is straight AFTER a RESISTANCE workout, when the body is trying to replenish muscle glycogen stores (Burke, 2006).
11. Do NOT avoid CHO. You NEED at least 50-100 grams of CHO per day for your body to burn fat effectively. A good guideline is to have at least 1 gram of CHO per kg of body mass per day as a MINIMUM (Burke, 2006).
12. Eat most food as 'natural' as possible. This means fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, grains, etc. Try not to eat too much packaged food, as it is full of extra calories and sugar.
13. Most importantly, remember that it IS OK TO CHEAT every now and then. Actually the body NEEDS cheat meals and day. By throwing all the guidelines I have just mentioned above out of the way and having a day where you eat what you want it helps, and will also help prevent your body from going into starvation mode (where the body battles you to hold onto the fat as much as it can). If you prefer NOT to ‘cheat’, then adding in 1-2 higher CALORIE days (i.e. go up to Maintenance, or even Bulking, or even slightly higher), with the extra calories coming from quality COMPLEX CHO, you should be ok.

Supplements should NOT be a big deal, as most fat loss can be done through simply eating the right food at the right time. And unless everything that you’re doing is already done to ensure the maximum results in the timeframe that you want to achieve it in, and then supplementation should not be the focus. However, there ARE a few supplements that I think are important to any regime:

1. A multivitamin. (Although you should be eating as much of a variety of food as possible, in order to meet the RDI/AI of most nutrients from actual food).
2. Creatine monohydrate. Creatine helps the body to recover faster, as well as aiding in increasing strength levels and lean body mass [LBM].
3. Flaxseed/Hempseed/Fish Oil. This is the GOOD fats. Flaxseed or Hempseed oil is great with breakfast or in protein shakes.
4. Protein Powder. This just helps for the in-between meals, or after the gym, and to make sure that you get enough protein in (You should be having 1-1.5 grams of protein per kg of body mass per day; this is so that muscle loss is prevented, and can even assist in small gains in LBM).

Apart from these 4 ‘base’ supplements, you don’t need a lot (supplements are just a way for companies to make money. You can do everything without them!). And forget about using fat-burners or thermogenics; they are a waste of time unless you are ALREADY lean and are looking for that ‘extra edge’ to lose the last 1-2% bodyfat (i.e. like a fitness competitor, etc.)


IMO, you DON'T need a fat burner unless you're ALREADY relatively lean (<15% BF for a female), since any results you see if higher than that won't be very noticeable.

Otherwise, any fat burner that works for a male is going to work for a female. As long as you know what ingredients are effective, you can look at the ingredient profile of a fat burner and tell whether it will work or not.

Several fat burners that I would recommend (from personal use) are:
* Hot Rox Extreme
* Lean Xtreme
* Drive/RPM stack
* Lipotrophin-AM/Lipotrophin-PM stack

Fat burners that I would recommend (from their profiles) are:
* Shred Matrix
* VPX Meltdown
* Leviathan Reloaded

Another product that I highly recommend is IGF-2. When I used this I GAINED muscle mass (which will help her lose fat faster because of the increase in metabolism) AND stayed relatively lean (and I maintain ~10% BF (never higher than 12% BF) all year round). More muscle also looks a whole lot better than just being lean and 'skinny'.

8 weeks is about what you would want to use a fat burner for. No more than 12 weeks.


As for exercise, resistance training is better for burning fat than cardio. I would recommend full-body 2-3 times per week, with a day (at least) between each session. Stick to the compound, multijoint lifts (i.e. power clean squat, deadlift, bench press, pull-ups, bent over row, dips, shoulder press), as they use more than one muscle, and are the most effective for not only building muscle, but also in burning fat, because they are recruiting more of the body to perform the exercise than isolation exercises (these are a waste of time unless you are looking for a pump close to competition, really). I'd recommend 1 exercise per body-part per session, with 2-3 sets of 6-15 reps.

You don't actually need cardio at all, and it's more if you want to keep up your cardiovascular fitness or to burn a little extra calories (which is great if one eats a lot). The most effective way to burn fat through cardio is to do a) Interval training (i.e. efforts), or b) do your cardio at a HIGHER intensity (i.e. just going out and running as fast as you can over a certain distance, instead of 45 minutes at a 60% HRmax). Forget about the ‘Fat Burning Zone’; the harder you work during cardio, the more fat you lose. When I first attempted to lose fat (and I still do this NOW) I did something called ‘Guerrilla Cardio’ (GC): Jog lightly for 4 minutes as a ‘warm-up’; then you do 8 x 20 seconds hard-out-as-fast-as-you-can sprints/efforts, and jog easy for 10 seconds after each one; finishing with a 4 minutes easy jog ‘cool-down’; done 3 times (on days NOT doing resistance training) a week (with a day's rest between sessions).


As long as you are eating RIGHT, doing weights 2-4 times per week, doing cardio 3 or more times per week for 12-30 minutes per day (depending on the intensity; the higher the intensity the shorter you do it for!), and allowing your body to RECOVER (this is VERY important; if you do TOO much, then your body won’t be able to recover properly and you won’t get the results you want, since your body only adapts and gets results in the RECOVERY time!), then you will lose fat!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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The only fat-burning supplement I would recommend for a female is ALCAR or any other form of carnitine. That's what NIVEA uses in their cream.


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Also NP has the powder in bulk i believe. It's sour tasting. 500mg would be good for a female.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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The only fat-burning supplement I would recommend for a female is ALCAR or any other form of carnitine. That's what NIVEA uses in their cream.
I have to disagree here. I know for a fact that several female's have successfully run X-Force with tremendous results.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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The only fat-burning supplement I would recommend for a female is ALCAR or any other form of carnitine. That's what NIVEA uses in their cream.
I disagree with this statement. So long as it's NOT hormonal, then pretty much ANY 'fat burner' is going to work for a female (provided she has her diet and training in place).


New member
I have to disagree here. I know for a fact that several female's have successfully run X-Force with tremendous results.
x force?? gonna have to look into it. i had vpx in mind! i need to order it tomorrow but i'm still deciding on which one. i don't want to put her on anything to strong she's 20yrs old 4'12. this is her first time taking a supplement.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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x force?? gonna have to look into it. i had vpx in mind! i need to order it tomorrow but i'm still deciding on which one. i don't want to put her on anything to strong she's 20yrs old 4'12. this is her first time taking a supplement.
If she's only just "gonna start training" and this will be her "first time taking a supplement", then I suggest that she does NOT use a fat burner at all. Get her started using the basics (i.e. creatine, multivitamin, good fats, protein powder, BCAA's) BEFORE you head for a fat burner. Maybe just start off with a multivitamin and a creatine (if she's going to be doing resistance training) and make sure that she gets enough protein and good fats (which she should be able to) from her diet!!!

As said before, DIET IS THE KEY TO FAT LOSS!!!


New member
If she's only just "gonna start training" and this will be her "first time taking a supplement", then I suggest that she does NOT use a fat burner at all. Get her started using the basics (i.e. creatine, multivitamin, good fats, protein powder, BCAA's) BEFORE you head for a fat burner. Maybe just start off with a multivitamin and a creatine (if she's going to be doing resistance training) and make sure that she gets enough protein and good fats (which she should be able to) from her diet!!!

As said before, DIET IS THE KEY TO FAT LOSS!!!
what multi-vitamin and creatine would you recommend?


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Is her diet in check? Because if it isn't getting a fat burner should not be the priority. Diet is the KEY to fat loss. If she's "gonna start training" then the best fat burner out there is her DIET. get that sorted and she should be fine. Being a newbie to training means that her gains/results would happen relatively quickly. And if her diet was targeted as fat loss (which I assume she wants), then she shall be fine. With diet and training alone a decrease of 0.5-0.7% BF per week is very doable.


1. First, you need to work out what your MAINTENANCE calories are (There are various methods and equations that you can use to calculate this; most take into account current body mass, height, and activity level). Then, to lose fat, you need to make sure that you’re having up to 500 calories LESS than maintenance. Depending on how fast or slow you lose the fat, you can adjust and tweak your calorie intake each week.
2. Eat every 2-3 hours after waking. This helps keep the metabolism going throughout the day, as well as keeping insulin levels stable (so, you can see that 3 meals is simply NOT enough, even small portions).
3. EVERY meal should have complex carbohydrates [CHO] (i.e. kumara, rice, oats, etc.), QUALITY LEAN protein (chicken breast, fish, tuna, salmon, lean beef, egg whites, etc.), and FIBROUS CHO (i.e. vegetables, green ones in particular).
4. Drink 4.5 litres of water per day. This will help keep the system clean.
5. It has been proven that TWO servings of DAIRY per day helps lose MORE fat than if one avoids it altogether.
6. Do NOT avoid fat (The only fat she should be avoiding is Saturated fat and Trans fats). You NEED fat in your diet, as fat plays major roles in energy metabolism and other parts of your body (Wardlaw & Hampl, 2007). Make sure to have at least 30 grams of GOOD fats (i.e. flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, fish oils, peanut butter, nuts - especially almonds and walnuts, hempseed oil, olive oil, etc.) per day (i.e. this is ~2 tbsp of flaxseed oil or peanut butter).
7. Don’t drink tea or coffee. Try drinking GREEN tea instead; it helps with thermogenesis, and is especially good if you take it one hour before doing cardio first thing in the morning.
8. Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol has NO nutritional value and is full of calories.
9. Minimize adding salt to food. Instead, flavour a meal with herbs and spices (i.e. ginger, cumin, cayenne pepper, curry powder, chilli powder, and garlic all help thermogenesis a bit).
10. The only sugar needed on a regular basis is the NATURAL sugars found in food; these are mostly found in fruit. Too much sugar plays havoc with insulin levels and these should be as stable as possible throughout the day. The best time to be having sugar is straight AFTER a RESISTANCE workout, when the body is trying to replenish muscle glycogen stores (Burke, 2006).
11. Do NOT avoid CHO. You NEED at least 50-100 grams of CHO per day for your body to burn fat effectively. A good guideline is to have at least 1 gram of CHO per kg of body mass per day as a MINIMUM (Burke, 2006).
12. Eat most food as 'natural' as possible. This means fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, grains, etc. Try not to eat too much packaged food, as it is full of extra calories and sugar.
13. Most importantly, remember that it IS OK TO CHEAT every now and then. Actually the body NEEDS cheat meals and day. By throwing all the guidelines I have just mentioned above out of the way and having a day where you eat what you want it helps, and will also help prevent your body from going into starvation mode (where the body battles you to hold onto the fat as much as it can). If you prefer NOT to ‘cheat’, then adding in 1-2 higher CALORIE days (i.e. go up to Maintenance, or even Bulking, or even slightly higher), with the extra calories coming from quality COMPLEX CHO, you should be ok.

Supplements should NOT be a big deal, as most fat loss can be done through simply eating the right food at the right time. And unless everything that you’re doing is already done to ensure the maximum results in the timeframe that you want to achieve it in, and then supplementation should not be the focus. However, there ARE a few supplements that I think are important to any regime:

1. A multivitamin. (Although you should be eating as much of a variety of food as possible, in order to meet the RDI/AI of most nutrients from actual food).
2. Creatine monohydrate. Creatine helps the body to recover faster, as well as aiding in increasing strength levels and lean body mass [LBM].
3. Flaxseed/Hempseed/Fish Oil. This is the GOOD fats. Flaxseed or Hempseed oil is great with breakfast or in protein shakes.
4. Protein Powder. This just helps for the in-between meals, or after the gym, and to make sure that you get enough protein in (You should be having 1-1.5 grams of protein per kg of body mass per day; this is so that muscle loss is prevented, and can even assist in small gains in LBM).

Apart from these 4 ‘base’ supplements, you don’t need a lot (supplements are just a way for companies to make money. You can do everything without them!). And forget about using fat-burners or thermogenics; they are a waste of time unless you are ALREADY lean and are looking for that ‘extra edge’ to lose the last 1-2% bodyfat (i.e. like a fitness competitor, etc.)


IMO, you DON'T need a fat burner unless you're ALREADY relatively lean (<15% BF for a female), since any results you see if higher than that won't be very noticeable.

Otherwise, any fat burner that works for a male is going to work for a female. As long as you know what ingredients are effective, you can look at the ingredient profile of a fat burner and tell whether it will work or not.

Several fat burners that I would recommend (from personal use) are:
* Hot Rox Extreme
* Lean Xtreme
* Drive/RPM stack
* Lipotrophin-AM/Lipotrophin-PM stack

Fat burners that I would recommend (from their profiles) are:
* Shred Matrix
* VPX Meltdown
* Leviathan Reloaded

Another product that I highly recommend is IGF-2. When I used this I GAINED muscle mass (which will help her lose fat faster because of the increase in metabolism) AND stayed relatively lean (and I maintain ~10% BF (never higher than 12% BF) all year round). More muscle also looks a whole lot better than just being lean and 'skinny'.

8 weeks is about what you would want to use a fat burner for. No more than 12 weeks.


As for exercise, resistance training is better for burning fat than cardio. I would recommend full-body 2-3 times per week, with a day (at least) between each session. Stick to the compound, multijoint lifts (i.e. power clean squat, deadlift, bench press, pull-ups, bent over row, dips, shoulder press), as they use more than one muscle, and are the most effective for not only building muscle, but also in burning fat, because they are recruiting more of the body to perform the exercise than isolation exercises (these are a waste of time unless you are looking for a pump close to competition, really). I'd recommend 1 exercise per body-part per session, with 2-3 sets of 6-15 reps.

You don't actually need cardio at all, and it's more if you want to keep up your cardiovascular fitness or to burn a little extra calories (which is great if one eats a lot). The most effective way to burn fat through cardio is to do a) Interval training (i.e. efforts), or b) do your cardio at a HIGHER intensity (i.e. just going out and running as fast as you can over a certain distance, instead of 45 minutes at a 60% HRmax). Forget about the ‘Fat Burning Zone’; the harder you work during cardio, the more fat you lose. When I first attempted to lose fat (and I still do this NOW) I did something called ‘Guerrilla Cardio’ (GC): Jog lightly for 4 minutes as a ‘warm-up’; then you do 8 x 20 seconds hard-out-as-fast-as-you-can sprints/efforts, and jog easy for 10 seconds after each one; finishing with a 4 minutes easy jog ‘cool-down’; done 3 times (on days NOT doing resistance training) a week (with a day's rest between sessions).


As long as you are eating RIGHT, doing weights 2-4 times per week, doing cardio 3 or more times per week for 12-30 minutes per day (depending on the intensity; the higher the intensity the shorter you do it for!), and allowing your body to RECOVER (this is VERY important; if you do TOO much, then your body won’t be able to recover properly and you won’t get the results you want, since your body only adapts and gets results in the RECOVERY time!), then you will lose fat!
awesome post, somone had some time to spare :type:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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what multi-vitamin and creatine would you recommend?
Any multivitamin would do, really (so long as there is none or not much iron in it). Those that I would recommend are MHP's Activite Sport or AN's Complete-Balance.

As for a creatine, the top 3 creatine products IMO are:
* NeoVar Recomped (also acts as a nutrient repartitioner and insulin mimic)
* Cre-02 (also acts as a nutrient repartitioner, and increases endurance, maximal oxygen capacity, etc.)
* Kre-Alkalyn
Any of them would be fine; just select the one best suited to her needs and goals. Even straight creatine monohydrate would be fine for a newbie to creatine.

awesome post, somone had some time to spare :type:
Thanks. It's a question I see OVER AND OVER (especially from females or for females). I would rather see people doing things PROPERLY, ESPECIALLY a beginner. There is NO "magic pill"; it's diet and training and CONSISTENCY that will achieve one's body goals.

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