Chromium Supplementation and Chronic Diseases



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Chromium Supplementation and Chronic Diseases

People often add on vitamin and mineral supplements to their diet, in the illusion that they might not otherwise consume enough of it. Another common reason people take supplements is to treat a specific health condition. Besides, people do this on the basis of personal research, without consulting a doctor. Chromium is one such mineral that has been receiving a lot of awareness. And this is a result of the reports that chromium is useful for the treatment of a few severe health issues.

Chromium may be beneficial for severe health conditions like heart disease. Heart disease is caused as a result of high levels of low-density cholesterol and low levels of high-density cholesterol. Consumption of too much of fat is one of the factors that may cause this scenario in an individual. Chromium assists in metabolizing fats in the body.

It is possible that the body may not process fats considerable, if it is chromium deficient. Chromium assists the body in metabolizing fat and so it would become a consideration in the continuing hunt for natural ways to manage cholesterol levels.

The attitude on heart disease is positive. It is possible to reverse heart disease and have a healthy heart, by modifying the lifestyle, taking medication, and possibly supplementing the diet with chromium. The current medicines recommended to treat individuals diagnosed with heart disease are usually coupled with repulsive side effects. So, considerable, taking chromium supplements is a better idea. But before you start off with this supplementation, you should consult your doctor.

Diabetes, unlike heart disease, is only manageable. There is no cure to it. The typical treatment arrangement for diabetes depends on the type of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, also referred to as ?Juvenile diabetes?, is characterized by the body's inability to produce insulin. Folks who have this type of diabetes must get insulin injections each day of their life.

On the other hand, people with Type 2 diabetes, do not require insulin injections, but usually must take medication because the insulin in their body does not function properly. Chromium may prove beneficial in both types of diabetes.

Len Gibb is one of the editors at a series of nutrition web sites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter.

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By: Len Gibb

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