Review Diabetes Nutritional Supplement



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Review Diabetes Nutritional Supplement

Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins for people with diabetes. The role of vitamin E in the diet of the diabetic is to improve insulin activity and acts as a blood oxygenator by performing as an antioxidant. The onset of Type 2 diabetes is seen more often in diabetics that have been shown to have low blood levels of vitamin E. Vitamin E improves glucose tolerance in non-diabetic elderly and adults with Type 2 diabetes (NIDDM).

Damage caused by free-radicals in the blood stream is associated with a deficiency of Vitamin E. The lining of the vascular system can be damaged by the lack vitamin E. This damage to the vascular system may be prevented by the antioxidant activity of vitamin E. Increasing the vitamin E level in diabetics can protect the diabetic from diabetic cataracts.

Diabetics should take mineral supplementation as well. Specifically the mineral selenium should also be taken as it acts with Vitamin E in a complimentary fashion. Please note that Diabetics who have high blood pressure should not more than 400 international units daily. Diabetics taking any anticoagulant (blood thinner) should contact their physician before taking any increase in vitamin E. ALWAYS confer with your health care provider for diet changes.

Vitamin C is also important to the diabetic. Diabetics with Type 1 diabetes (IDDM) have low levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed because it's presence lowers the level of Sorbitol which can accumulate and damage the kidneys, nerves, and eyes of the diabetic. It may help diabetics with type 2 diabetes by improving glucose tolerance in these individuals.

Insulin helps deliver the Vitamin C to the cells. Some experts think the decrease in this delivery of vitamin C in the diabetic may be responsible for the vascular disturbances experienced by most diabetics.

As mentioned above, minerals are also of great importance to the diabetic. Minerals such as

? Chromium

? manganese

? magnesium

? zinc

are just three of them.

Chromium is a key ingredient of the glucose tolerance cycle and therefore is critical nutrient in the blood stream of the diabetic. Chromium has shown to be a factor in the decrease of insulin levels, a decrease to the control of HDL-cholesterol, and improves glucose tolerance.

Another mineral that is important for the diabetic is Manganese. It is one of the key ingredients in the enzymes of glucose metabolism. It has been found that frequent diabetics with a manganese deficiency frequently give birth to offspring who develop pancreatic abnormalities. Even offspring with no pancreas have been reported.

Keith Standifer is a business owner and an advocate for healthy diets for all. Read more about some of the high quality nutritional supplements he uses visit his site at

By: Keith Standifer

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