Vitamin K2, aromatase inhibitor

Fried Cheese

Fried Cheese

New member
Hi Guys,

Very interesting article here. I have been researching K-2 as a way to prevent calcification of arteries from all the Vitamin D I take and stumbled across this (Also interesting theory on why men's estrogen increases with age):

More Than Just The “Koagulation” Vitamin
By James South, MA

K2: Anti-Aromatase?
One intriguing study on male rats suggests that K2 might be useful in suppressing the excess estrogen all too common in aging men. When aging male rats were fed a calcium-deficient diet, their serum estradiol levels rose 430 percent. K2 significantly reduced the elevated estrogen levels. The estrone level in serum of the K2-fed rats fell to a level lower than the control rats fed a regular calcium diet. The study’s authors suggest that K2 suppressed testicular aromatase in calcium deficient rats, reducing estrogen production, and that the increased estrogen production in the calcium-deficient rats not given K2 might be a compensating mechanism to prevent osteoporosis.44 This in turn suggests that the frequent elevation of estrogen seen in aging men might be the body’s way of preventing osteoporosis, which is more common in women than men. Taking high-dose K2 just might suppress male aromatase activity, suppressing male estrogen overproduction, yet still prevent osteoporosis.
Fried Cheese

Fried Cheese

New member
Sorry to double-post, but here is part of the reference:

A calcium-deficient diet caused decreased bone mineral density and secondary elevation of estrogen in aged male rats[mdash ]effect of menatetrenone and elcatonin


In view of the fact that a deficient calcium (Ca) intake results in osteoporosis in elderly males, we conducted an animal experiment on aged male Wistar rats given a Ca-deficient diet. The rats were divided into 2 groups according to diet: a Ca-deficient diet group (Ca content, 0.08% to 0.1%) and a regular diet group (Ca content, 0.8% to 1.2%). The Ca-deficient diet reduced bone mineral density (BMD) by approximately 12%. Administration of menatetrenone or elcatonin was able to reverse the reduction in BMD induced by Ca deficiency. The mean estradiol level in sera of rats fed the Ca-deficient diet was significantly increased to 4.3 times that in the regular diet group. However, the increased estradiol concentration was reduced after the administration of menatetrenone or elcatonin. The estrone concentrations in sera of menatetrenone- or elcatonin-treated rats fed the Ca-deficient diet decreased to a level lower than that of animals fed the regular diet. Testicular aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom; estrogen synthetase) activity was significantly increased by 2.4-fold in the Ca-deficient diet group compared to that in the regular diet group, and the aromatase mRNA level was also significantly increased 1.45-fold. Testicular aromatase activity was strongly correlated with aromatase mRNA level and serum estradiol level. These data suggest that the change in testicular aromatase expression might be, in part, a compensatory mechanism for the bone mineral deficiency induced by the Ca-deficient diet in aged male rats.
Fried Cheese

Fried Cheese

New member
Sorry, I tried to post links, but I can't until I have 50 posts. If you google:

More Than Just The “Koagulation” Vitamin
By James South, MA

You will get an extensive list of references at the end. I am also excited about possible lung cancer prevention properties, as that runs in my family.

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