Pro-Test Stacks and all things lethal


New member
Im a noob to the forum, and to the pro-test, hgh, stack scene. Ive been lifting weights for a few years now, but this year Ive decided I really wanted to bulk up, and pack on some lean mass.
Im very familiar with Creatine, Glutamine, BCAA's, etc, but I want to try out something along the lines of a por-test stack, but I dont know the first thing about it. Ive been going through the forums for about a week now, just reading what I can, and Ive still got a lot of questions, and Im wondering if you guys (and gals) can forward a URL or give me a thread to read that will cover all the info Im after.

Essentially I want to bulk over the next 3 months or so, and I want to up my supps.

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