Hyperdrol/MassFX/Anabolic Pump 8wks



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I think that the three of these will do well together. I am going to start within the next week overlapping the PCT following a ten week cycle. I will include DHEA, AX Retain and the common nutrient support normally included.

Still have a few days to plan, your comments and advice are welcome


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i was actually gunna plan this for next month but i was gunna add the AP at week 5... give it a shot and lets see


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I could be wrong, but I think Massfx is slightly suppressive, so I would not run it in PCT.



What are you planning for carb intake with AP?


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I could be wrong, but I think Massfx is slightly suppressive, so I would not run it in post cycle therapy.
On a thread in the AX section we talked about this briefly with a couple of the reps and I came away with their endorsement of this contained within my PCT, but that, I believe, is why the DHEA.

esterday 09:56 PM
wrkn4bigrmusles i was actually gunna plan this for next month but i was gunna add the AP at week 5... give it a shot and lets see
Good thinking, and based upon other threads regarding MassFX/HD I think I will delay mine for the first two weeks.

Today 12:01 AM
R3d Subscribed.

What are you planning for carb intake with AP?
The exact breakdown I have not yet arrived at. You know how we all have somewhat different reactions to these things ? So, we go about trying to tweak our programs to fit ourselves using feedback from others experiences. My general diet remains mostly the same throughout the year (unless I fail for awhile) and I am a high protein consumer. This seems to work for me because my %fat stays about the same while I am continueing to put on more LBM ,albeit slowly, but I do not have these huge up and down swings. As with SD the AP requires increased carb uptake so I HAVE TO wrap my mind around this even though, for me, it is difficult to do. A real answer will be coming as soon as I finish planning that part but I will be well into this MassFX/HD phase and be able to get some good biofeedback by then. :blink:



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well, i don't think it is "official" from ALRI! But i guess there are rumors that people have heard from author that it might cause shutdown. I do not want to profess for their product......ask Fitnfirm.....


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Day 1: MassFX 4xed/Hyperdrol 3xed/Retain 3xed/Dermabolics Metacort 2xed.
Current weight 205 Height 6' %BF +/- 11% (guestimate)

First a little more background 11/9/06 started last cycle with 250 mcgs ultra test e5d/200 mcgs Nandrolone e5d for seven weeks then 20 mgs SD overlapping last two weeks of that then 30 mgs SD/Methoxy Test 3xed/MegaZol 3xed/Activate 3xed/Retain 3xed/Metacort 2xed following the seven weeks right up till yesterday (oh yah, Novedex for the last four weeks). So that totals10 weeks.

The lethargy of it all has gotten me to miss a few of my more recent workouts, normally 5x per week evenings. So this first workout was a great pump, as you would expect, but my energy and intensity was lacking. Weights were all up slightly, though this is something that I always strive for, either an increase in last weight lifted or number of reps performed.

I am a high protein consumer, or I should say that all of my meals are based on a main protein dish and I supplement whey protein 40 gs. 3xed - 4 xed. I know that with this choice of supplements I need to be better about my carbs so at this point your feedback regarding proper types and timing would be appreciated. I figure I have the next two weeks to get this dialed then I will introduce the AP. I may lengthen this to 12 weeks if the results are trending toward continued perceptive improvement but 8 weeks to give it a real chance for starters. Do these weight gainers with protein in them have any validity ?



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:blink: Forgot to mention, I am taking the MassFX with my main three meals and the fourth 30 minutes prior to my workout as was suggested over at the AX section by one of their testors (he seemed to have a good response to this). And, I am taking it with NoExplode. :run:


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Would Mass-FX or hyperdrol be consider a natural substance for a Natural Competition. I'm doin one in April I don't wanna cheat but i didn't see anything in either that was banned by the Federation. By cheating i mean i don't wanna take anything that even if it's banned won't show up. I just wanna take natural compounds. Check it out?

o (Pharmaceutical HGH, HCG and any other related compounds). Oral, spray or sublingual GH compounds are also banned.
o The use of any hormone (injectable, sublingual or otherwise) for bodybuilding purposes, including insulin, is strictly prohibited. All hormonal precursors (DHEA, androstenedoine, 19-norandrostenedione, androstenediol, 5-AD, 7-KetoDHEA, androsteneTRIONE, etc.) are banned effective October 1, 2004. Prescription thyroid hormone medication when used for bodybuilding purposes is banned. Pro-Steroids (1-Test), etc. are banned. The presence of any banned substance in the urine no matter how it arrived there is ruled as a positive (failure).
o Fen-Phen and any other prescription weight-loss substances used for bodybuilding purposes, even when physician-prescribed, are banned by the ONBF.
• PSYCHOMOTOR STIMULANTS (Amphetamines etc.)
The ONBF reserves the right to add or subtract from this list at any point in time, and it is up to the competitor to ensure that he or she is not using any substance that the ONBF deems "banned".
o Including but not limited to bolasterone, boldenone, chloroxomesterone(dhydrochlormethyltesterone), clostebol, fluoxymesterone, mesterolone, methandienone (methandrostenolone), methenolone, methyltestosterone, nandrolone, norethandrolone, oxymetholone, stanozolol, testerone and all other related compounds.
o (injections, patches, gels) in any form or for any reason.
o The T/E ratio is used to measure the presence of exogenous testosterone, or illicit elevation of testosterone levels. A T/E ratio in excess of 6/1 is ruled as a positive, no matter what the cause. Note: Should the use of any substance cause an elevated T/E ratio in excess of the 6/1 limit, the competitor will be ruled as positive (failure).


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Day 2:
Workout went well. Concentration was very good and in between set recovery was noticeably better. I did my 1/2 hour before MassFX cap but I did not feel the need for the NoXplode to get up, which is very unusual for me. I hope this is because of the stack. Weight 204.5.
Other observations throughout day: I had slight dry mouth and thirstier than normal. Steady feeling of even energy throughout day, not a burst or increase just steady. This last is more a return to normal for me.

Still waiting for your suggestions and answers to the carb question above.................:study:



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Make sure to eat 30-60g(possibly more) complex carbohydrates 10-15 minutes after your dose of Anabolic-Pump. It will require tweaking so start with a number and add or take away until you get to the point you feel it is working best.


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Sadly I've not got around the whole sleeping thing, I'll figure a way around it though.


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Day 3 & Day 4: Off days
Nothing to report, dosing protocol continued as above.

Yesterday 03:30 AM
Ziricote Make sure to eat 30-60g(possibly more) complex carbohydrates 10-15 minutes after your dose of Anabolic-Pump. It will require tweaking so start with a number and add or take away until you get to the point you feel it is working best.
Thank you, I will do so.



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enjoy the off days! its nice to take off every once and a while! :D


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Day 5&6 Off
This is due to the tremendous amount of chaos currently revolving around my world. But, I vow to overcome this and you will see serious consistancy. :blink:

Day 7 203.5 lbs.
I weigh every time I begin my workout, so weigh ins will be a regular on this thread. This weight is interesting because I increased my carb intake, maintained my protein intake so my overall daily calories went up yet as you see my weight dropped. Furthermore, the workout today was very good. My maximum weight on flat bench did not move but my overall volume went up, my time between sets went down and on both decline and incline bench there were noteable improvements in both volume and max weights. I think this is significant because if you review above what kind of cycle I just came off of, these current stats support the notion that I'm simply dropping some of the ancillary weight gain not the LBM. Of course, only more time will tell but we should see my weight begin to come back up again shortly as the intended effects of this stack begin to have their impact.

Other noteworthies: Concentration while working out is improved, aggression about the same (though my wife suggests my fuse is shorter (shorter than the anabolic steroids ?)), hot while sleeping and not sleeping as long (don't know if I like the last).

Question: As the previous cycle wears off, so is the lubrication that I was enjoying in my joints, should I, A: Buy some cissus or is there enough in the HD to handle this soon? B:Reduce the daily Retain dosage so the cortisol is not so low ?

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Another question, does Ibuprofin negatively impact the potency of either of these ?


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Day 8 202.5
Not that anybody is following this but today you will be impressed. :duel:

The workout was real good. My overall volume was up, peak weights remained the same, concentration is awesome with this stack, for me at least. Now for the good part, I had to stop short of my highest weight set for lying tricep extensions because I was creating enough scalp blood pressure that I began to trickle blood down my face from my newly acquired stitches. :fool2:

Hopefully I got your attention now. You see I posted above that I was committing to concistancy in this thread so that we all could get a good review, this was after, of course, I had a chaotic first few days. So true to my word, I worked out today and reported in even though I was a passenger this AM in a train verses truck accident. So there you have it, commitment far beyond the call. I KNOW you haven't heard that one before. You can see pictures of the truck I was in and some slanted news report on it at KXLY.com .

So, now will somebody answer my previously posted questions ? :yawn:



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Question: As the previous cycle wears off, so is the lubrication that I was enjoying in my joints, should I, A: Buy some cissus or is there enough in the HD to handle this soon? B:Reduce the daily Retain dosage so the cortisol is not so low ?

It never hurts to add in Cissus! The HD should help, but i would add in some Cissus or Super Cissus in ASAP!

what is your daily Retain dose? 3? i have never had joint problems at 3. But you could try to decrease to 2 for a possibel quick remedy!

Ibuprofen should have no effect on either supplement!


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It never hurts to add in Cissus! The HD should help, but i would add in some Cissus or Super Cissus in ASAP!

what is your daily Retain dose? 3? i have never had joint problems at 3. But you could try to decrease to 2 for a possibel quick remedy!

Ibuprofen should have no effect on either supplement!
Thank you Macedaddy. I have been at 3 caps Retain and based on the other answers you gave me I will leave it at that and just add the Super Cissus ASAP.

Additionally, right now anyhow, I am feeling these workouts more then during my cycle, but that stands to reason I guess. I'm hoping the "mass effects" will begin to kick in and cease any additional weight loss and either flatten as I trade fat for muscle or start to climb again. I am going to stay on this until it is clear to me that it either works for me or does not, even if that is 12 weeks away.
Got to go clean the stitches ..........


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it should def work, and if you are eating under maintenance you WILL lose FAT! so EAT! :thumbsup:


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it should def work, and if you are eating under maintenance you WILL lose FAT! so EAT! :thumbsup:
Ok, but if I eat "under maintenance" isn't that too few calories to grow ? I mean won't I also loose the LBM along with the fat ?



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that is the beauty of FX! I ate under maintenace and gained strength and LBM while losing fat! But what i was telling you is that it sounds like you want to grow, so EAT, EAT, EAT!


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that is the beauty of FX! I ate under maintenace and gained strength and LBM while losing fat! But what i was telling you is that it sounds like you want to grow, so EAT, EAT, EAT!
Ok........................Here it goes, let's all hope I don't go blimpo (lol I can't actually, hence the handle). No, really this is going to be me stepping out in faith Macedaddy, but I do so love to EAT ! Thanks for the excuse !

:bruce3: :dance:


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Day 9 202.5

Today was cardio. I am an extreme snowmobiler. This means that I ride hard for hours on end attempting to take my machine to new heights (literally) and into back country that man has no business being in (because it is likely to kill you). I have ridden off of a few avalanches over the years and had some pretty nasty wrecks but I tell you besides the adrenaline rush this is like the all time best cardio workout. Plus it is done at high elevation. Anyway, that was my cardio today for about five hours. :woohoo:

My endurance was better than it had been on my previous cycle and so was my oxygen uptake. These are welcome improvements. And, I ate big as Macedaddy suggested. (I wear a pack, that is how I take my sups, food and protein into the backcountry).

:dance: :dance: :dance:


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Day 9 202.5
My endurance was better than it had been on my previous cycle and so was my oxygen uptake. These are welcome improvements. And, I ate big as Macedaddy suggested. (I wear a pack, that is how I take my sups, food and protein into the backcountry).
Now that's hardcore. Logs looking good Hardgain, keep it up.


New member
now THAT is some insane cardio!
Yes, I know it sucks ........................:icon_lol: Not really, it's one of the ........no it's the most awesome thing I can think of doing and it really works you out to the core.

Day 10 202.5 Nothing different, things went the same as they have been. I am not expecting the second week jump until the third week for me since this is a growth PCT............key here is PCT.

Day 11 203 Good concentration, steady energy...........

Day 12 Cardio !!! Yes, more extreme snowmobiling for me ! :bruce3: Was out all day but got more like 3 hrs of actual cardio because had lots of repairs and maintenence issues that popped up along the way.

Day 13 OFF

And, tomorrow is the start of the AP !! :dance: :dance: :dance:


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this looks like a kick ass stack, ive thought of doing this myself


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Day 14 202

Pow!! Now that was an intense workout !! Yes, this is what I have been waiting for aggression, intensity, focus, energy and the pump to go with !

It may be that the HD/MassFX have started their upward charge, like I see they do around day 8 for others and combine that with Anabolic Pump starting today, but this was one for the record books. Remember, I am in PCT, and I increased max weights repped in three out of five movements (this was shoulders/upper traps) and overall volume in the rest. And, I was so aggressive that I did not want to rest between movements plus I did lots of yelling (but I can do that because I workout at home). Tonight seemed like AAS, I stopped because of time constraints not because I couldn't do more...............

I hope this continues :woohoo:

:dance: :bruce3: :dance:


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I forgot, I will be adding SuperCissusRX to this and I wanted to post this clip from USP's website: :hammer:

It has been my experience that many bodybuilders and athletes take anti-inflammatory medications to fight through the pain. Ultimately, these medications only kill the sensation of pain not the symptom. SuperCissus RX™ has demonstrated the ability to kill the pain specific to the injury, while promoting tissue regeneration.

In addition, these anti-inflammatory medications stop protein synthesis in its tracks. If you aren't aware, one of the biggest reasons why anabolic Steroids work so well is because they dramatically increase protein synthesis. So each time you take ibuprofen or any other NSAIDS, you are preventing your body from building muscle! Do yourself a favor and stop taking them.


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That feeling u had today is the addiction that keeps us coming back for more, and props to u for being able to workout at home, keep rollin on.......


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Day 15 201

Ok, the following is my report and I will start by saying that it is my fault. Following yesterdays incredible high I had dreams of being invincible and kicking butt on the bad guys. It was very entertaining and I didn't want to wake up :fool2:

But, back to my report. I started working out, plenty of energy then after first few sets I felt somewhat hypoglycemic so right into my workout I go upstairs and just start chowing on everything ........ the jitters slow down, my energy fell off a little but I went and finished. My concentration was off, intensity gone and I slowed down quite a bit but ....... I did increase my weights in three of five movements, stayed the same in one, and dropped a little in the last. The fullness was there, and I am looking vascular (the weight kinda explains that) and more and more ripped (my waste is down 3/4" since starting).

The hypo is my fault though, I came home for lunch was in a hurry and just managed my protein shake(1 massfx/ 1 retain/ 1 Hyperdrol/ 1 Anabolic Pump) and 15 mins. later about 50 g.s of carbs then I jetted without thinking about my overall balance to that meal, forgot about it and had NoXplode (3 scoops) with MassFX serving 30 mins before working out at 5:30 PM. So, I basically I underate in the afternoon. Won't happen again :fool2:

Overview: Though I have dropped to date, I am still adapting my caloric intake, and with the weights still on the rise (or at least volume) I am confident that the loss has been water and fat. My overall vascularity is improved also. I will continue to adjust slightly some timing and calories and see if I can get some upward movement.

Working out at home has become a necessity because I am out of town 40 + miles and I can not let my 1 1/2 hour workouts interfere with work. I have gone through a few workout partners over the years, they tend not to be as dedicated as I. And, somehow have managed to exceed my max weight goals in spite of this. No props due, I do this out of discipline and a burning desire, just like everybody else here. :woohoo:



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My day goes like this:
Wakeup 6-7Am Apply four pumps Metacort spray
Make a Mocha espresso
Have protein shake (40 gs whey protein) take 1 MassFX/ 1 Retain/ 1 Hyperdrol/ 1 Anabolic Pump
15 mins. later 50+ gs of carbs in the form of either toast with butter and jelly or waffles or whatever I can get my carbs out of.

Noonish lunch starts with protein shake with 1 MassFX/ 1 Retain/ 1 Hyperdrol/ 1 Anabolic Pump 15 mins. later 50 plus carbs in the form of a pasta meal with tons of other food ie. chicken, fish, or tacos , generally I eat like that at lunch all the time (except for those odd days like yesterday)

4-4:30 PM protein shake pre-workout with MassFX then 3 scoops NoXplode 30 mins before workout

6-7PM Dinner always big both carbs and protein with 1 Hyperdrol/ 1 Retain because 15 mins. prior I take my Anabolic pump

Then 9-10 PM Protein shake with MassFX and 4 pumps Metacort just before bed

I do the same supplements on days off because I am a believer in consistant quantities in the system.

That's the answer to the above Macedaddy......


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Day 16 202.5

This went well. I started out evenly and got a little hypo but not like yesterday and two handfulls of marshmellows took care of it.
My weights remained nearly identical to the previous routine of the same. My energy was even. Recovery between sets was fast but other than that I would call it a good workout. I had very full muscles but my pace seemed a little off.

Wednesdays have been a real challenge for me in the past, to the point of sometimes just taking them off to rest. So, that I had an overall positive ranking on this workout, is an improvement.

A quick note: I intend to post before and after measurements of key areas but not until I am done but I will say that tonights measurement of bodypart worked equaled the largest (large is good here) that I have measured there to date.

Sorry the smileys are not working........................


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Day 17 202

Ok, today was very nice. I did not take the NoXplode (and interestingly, no hypo effect) but instead at noon I took StimulantX and this did the trick for keeping the energy coming preworkout. My workout was steady, solid, quick recovery between sets and good concentration. My volume remained the same and early in the workout my max lifts matched those previous to this post cycle therapy, in the later half a couple if the maxs dropped off.

I am starting SuperCissus tonight to help with some slight shoulder pain.

I have moved the last dose of MassFX to just before bed so that all four servings are evenly spaced out during my waking hours. The other supps are all taken either just prior to food (AP) or with one of three MAIN meals (breakfast lunch dinner).

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nice to know we figured out the possible hypo problem!

now lets get some GAINS! :thumbsup:


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Day 18 Off Normal supp regime

Day 19 Snowmobile cardio , this time I had others to take care of so my actual time I could rate as cardio was about 40 mins. Though we were there and active for several hours.

Day 20 Off



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Day 21 202.5

This was a real good workout. I took no pre-workout energy supps today, this is the first time in a long time that I was able to that. I would say that it took a little of the edge off of the intensity, but I am really happy that this stack is both feeding me in such a way and working in a way that my energy feels steady and normal throughout the day. Also, the "pump" was really great, and this is something that seems to be the norm for this stack because when I look at my log I see in my impressions notes that I have been consistantly noting great pumps. Drive is way up but what seems to be vascilating is pace, sometimes I can't reset weights quickly enough (good in my book) and sometimes I wait even after resetting a little longer. This particular workout, I matched my heaviest movements of prior maxs, and beat some numbers in one movement, while falling short in another. I have been moving some standard movements around in the order and this seems to effect either volume or max rep achieved depending on how early or late in the workout I hit it. But, this really keeps the muscle guessing (I know lol) and seems to keep me improving.



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improvement is ALL we can ever ask for!!

where exactly are you that you have ALL this snow?


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macedaddy improvement is ALL we can ever ask for!!

where exactly are you that you have ALL this snow?
In the mountains of northern Idaho. This is actually a six month sport for me most years, though due to the shear madness of this year I will only get to enjoy three months maybe a little of four (depending on spring snows). I really can't describe it , it is so beautiful and intense all at once but I do have a web site that I keep active from when I used to make and sell parts, the wallpaper of which are some pictures that I have taken when out riding. You can see those at r u s h m f g dot c o m ( I spaced them so that it would appear of course dot means "." and you would have to eliminate the spaces cuz I don't know how to create the link).

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THATS AWESOME! :thumbsup:

absolutely breathtaking!


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how was that mass fx hardgain, i'm gonna go on pct in a couple weeks and i'm thinkin about addin it to my stack, u think it would be worth it?

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