Cyclotren - first time


New member
Hey guys, I've been working out for a while but a friend of mine tipped me off on this cyclotren product. i've never taken any pro hormones or any of the like before, just creatine and glutamine. I'm doing a 2 week cycle of tren w/ milk thistle, and then a 2 week break on tonic, forget the name exactly. Then I'll repeat this process again after the tonic cycle.

The guy at the shop explained it pretty well, and i got the general gist of it, but I'm really just looking for a second (or third) opinion on what I'm taking, and if it may be a good/bad idea to increase the tren cycle to a month w/ month tonic after. I've looked around on other forums, and everyone talks about gains, which is what i'm looking for, but is there really any fat loss involved with this? I'd like to lose maybe 5-10lb, and gain whatever i can, i'm just wondering what the effects of it might be.

I'm at the gym ~5 days a week, and diet pretty well, with plenty of protein etc.

Also, shop-dude said no drinking, as it's pretty hard on my liver already, which is what the milk-thistle is for. Can i safely continue to run creatine cycles with this, or is that a bad idea? Sorry for such a ridiculous post, but i got a lot of questions. Thanks a lot, Jesse.

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