

New member
Ive been reading this board for a while but this is my first post with some questions i want to put out there. first off does any one have blood work from an epi cylce..i would like to see some results to help me work this out but check this out.

does epi have AI or SERM properties or both...the reason i ask is that after about a week of 20mg ED of epi i kicked it up to 40 and after that not just libido but the ability to get an erection was gone. facial hair growth slowed noticably. now i have seen this is not that unheard of. and DHEA seems to be an answer that has worked for many including myself. this reminded me of a standalone arimidex cycle i did a years ago when it first became available. i expected to elevate test levels and studies showed it was very effective. i started at 1mg ED and in about 1 week i had the loss of wood just like a wet noodle. exactly like the epi. so this leads me to believe its an AI and in japan i beleive that is what it is used as. It is alson know that activation of the estrogen beta receptor activation is a key component of the ablity to stand erect and i suspect the low estrogen levels caused my the epi are what caused this and DHEA without even being aromatised to any form of E can by itself activate teh estrogen beta receptor therby restoring the mojo. now this seems iintresting to me because of the hubbub on here about epi and gyno and PCT.

if epi is effectivly blocking E production that much it should actually stimulate LH production. Now even if the androgenic side of epi causes some shutdown it shouldn't be overcome by the complete lack of Estrogen. so either way LH levels should be around baseline or maybe even higher (why i would love to see some blood work on people that have run an epi only cycle). As far as the libido goes DHEA worked wonders for me at 200-400mg starting about 1 week in the epicyle plus the added benefitt of tilting DHEA conversion to more test since the aromatase enzyme is clogged up. i dont know what kind of effect DHEA would have the HPTA shutdown. I was also wondering about the use of a phytoestrogen whith SERM properties. i believe i read a study of either daidzein, or genistein having estrogenic properties in bone tissue but with no effect on the HPTA axis.

so any thoughts on this and any actuall blood work out their so we can look further into this....

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