
jared meyer

New member


What do you all think of this stack. I cannot find another place where it better fits. I have a friend who lives in a country where this stack is legal with a docs rx for the test. He would be taking nor-diol 300mg nor-dione 300mg, Furazadrol-100-150mg/day and test transdermal with clostebol transdermal total of about 50-100mg per day (half and half). He can also take either or when it comes to the Clost. and Test. Otherwise, the options are replacing the Furazadrol with Havoc for the first 2 weeks and last 2 weeks of this 6 week cycle. Or replacing the Furazadrol with H-drol or turinabol for the first 2 and last 2 of this 6 week cycle.

He's set on the nor-diol with the 4-AD or (test or clostebol). But the leaning, water sucking supplement has yet to be determined. Leaning toward the Furaz because it is not methylated.

He's 5'8, 170 lbs. 6% body fat and he's 28 years old. He wants to get past the 170lbs plateau he's been stuck at. He has done halodrol, havoc, decca test, .....This is his 4th or 5th cycle because he cycles about every 8 weeks for only about 4 weeks. So he's on 4 off 4. This time he's been off 6 and wants to be on for 6 weeks.

Goals: Increase lean muscle. Currently fat is only at 6% so want to gain 10 lbs only but 10 lbs of MUSCLE and no water. I guess that means he wants to gain 15 lbs over the 6 week cycle.

Thanks for all you're help. If this is in the wrong place I am sorry.

Protein intake is at least 180grams.
small calory deficit.
Plenty of Complex carbs in Muscle Milk w/ oats and in shakes.

jared meyer

New member
I guess nobody knows? Please let me know if you have any ideas. I guess this is not something anyone here has tried?

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