Pmag cycle questions


New member
I have only done one cycle about five years ago which was Hdrol. I ran a successful OTC PCT and had no sides. Anyways I have some stock of Pmag and am wondering if I could also pull off an OTC PCT with this? It appears SERM's are perhaps more toxic than these l 'mild' PH's which is why Im hesitant.

I am 27 years old, 190lbs 5'10 looking to add some mass and strength what would a good dosage be keeping sides to a minimum? I'm paranoid of gyno. I did have pubertal gyno for about 1 month or so when I was about 13. Hdrol didn't aggravate anything that I had noticed and never felt suppressed, busting nuts etc

Thoughts? I also have some Alpha Mass maybe I'll just do that instead?
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