Question about havoc pct!



Ok guys so im on my last week of havoc dosed 30/40/40/40/40/40 till now had very good results bodyweight is up by 15pounds , i was on a high calorie diet like +1000/1200 above maintenance , strength gains are also awsome! Anyways...the question is that cause this is my first havoc cycle and overall 1st methylated cycle i dont know how fast ill recover or how will my libido be...that wasnt a problem but my gf told me to go on a small 2 day trip on christmas like 27-29 december or so and im finishing my cycle on 21. So i'll be on my first week of pct... (Nolva 20/20/10/10 Daa 3/3/3/3) do u guys think ill be ok sexwise?(lol) i dont mean if i have a monsterlike libido cause i know i wont but at least i want to keep the things going well when the time comes! So...should i add anything else on my pct to help this? like a natural t-booster or smthing? thanks

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