Did my cousin stunt his growth?


New member
Ok first off NO im not my cousin haha im not makeing up this story it is 100 percent true. Anyways my cousin who is 18 (who got me into ph's (im 24) has been a dumbass when it comes to ph's. The first cycle he did was 2.5 years ago and he ran 1 t pro for about 3 weeks just doing random dosages prob a medium dose im guessing and then had no PCT was so ever. A year later he ran another high dose transdermal with pct and recovered pretty well. Then he did a 6 weeks 1 test cyp / sledge test cycle but had to stop because of certain reasons. I mean im telling him he is messing with his life these things are no joke. On top of that his my uncle (his father) has a weak liver and they suspect he has one too.

My first question is what is a way I can get him to stop till hes atleast 21. I have tried everything and I care about him dearly.
Second question is did he stunt his growth with those cycles does it only take one anyways? He is 5'8 so its not like he is really short but did his plates close up on him allready?
And last could he ever run a cycle with even with a ton of liver protectants that keep his liver count up? with a so so liver (im not talking any problems like going to the doctor because of it) im just talking his dad had a weak one and his family suspects he does.

THanks for your help guys I dont want to go to the doctor and ask him questions it would be weird and I dont know anyone else that knows stuff about anabolics except you guys


  • Established
Ok first off NO im not my cousin haha im not makeing up this story it is 100 percent true. Anyways my cousin who is 18 (who got me into ph's (im 24) has been a dumbass when it comes to ph's. The first cycle he did was 2.5 years ago and he ran 1 t pro for about 3 weeks just doing random dosages prob a medium dose im guessing and then had no PCT was so ever. A year later he ran another high dose transdermal with pct and recovered pretty well. Then he did a 6 weeks 1 test cyp / sledge test cycle but had to stop because of certain reasons. I mean im telling him he is messing with his life these things are no joke. On top of that his my uncle (his father) has a weak liver and they suspect he has one too.

My first question is what is a way I can get him to stop till hes atleast 21. I have tried everything and I care about him dearly.
Second question is did he stunt his growth with those cycles does it only take one anyways? He is 5'8 so its not like he is really short but did his plates close up on him allready?
And last could he ever run a cycle with even with a ton of liver protectants that keep his liver count up? with a so so liver (im not talking any problems like going to the doctor because of it) im just talking his dad had a weak one and his family suspects he does.

THanks for your help guys I dont want to go to the doctor and ask him questions it would be weird and I dont know anyone else that knows stuff about anabolics except you guys
The answer to your first question is nothing. If someone is going to use prohormones or steroids and they really want to they are going to do it. If someone has already used them and seen gains its going to be next to impossible to make them stop. The best thing you can do is educate him about liver pro's and the correct way of going into a cycle. This is serious stuff and all steps should be taken to make sure your healthy before throughout and after.You should try to get him to go for a blood test and see how his liver is right now. If in fact it has taken a hit it would probably make him really think about what he is doing to himself.If you show him what he should be doing to protect himself it will go a long way in helping him.

The second question can not really be answered in an online forum. How tall is his family members? A doctor would be a much better person to ask about this then us.

If he might have a so-so liver again the best bet is to head to the doctor and get a blood test. He will have to make the decision after that blood test if he thinks he can continue to do PH's without it hurting him in the end.


If he is still growing, then yes he might have stunted his growth, since roids and PHs close the plates...Not doing a PCT after a cycle is a bad shock to the system, at least teach him to do a proper PCT after a cycle

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