Doulbe Methyl Cycle


New member
This is just to get some opinions/general discussion on something I was thinking about.


I don't plan on running a double methyl cycle.


Has anyone ever run a cycle with 2 methyl's lets say Havoc and Mechabol (doesn't have to be these two). However, instead of running these at the full dosage 40mg Havoc and 75mg Mechabol run the 'dual-cycle' at doses of 20mg Havoc and 50mg Mechabol? We all run cycles using a methyl and non-methyl to get greater effects, target different receptors, and offset sides right? So why not try two half dosed methyl's?

Just want a general discussion if you would see similar toxicity, compared to a cycle of 40mg havoc, with the 1/2 dose dual-cycle and offset side effects or if y'all think that it wouldn't be efficacious. I know that there are certain sweet spots since at these points the receptors are saturated with the PH, but if the PHs target different receptors you would see 50-60% saturation but more overall activation right? Also what about running two methyl's and a non-methyl, like Havoc, Mechabol, and Trenazone. (havoc/mechabol 1/2 dose and full dose of trenazone)


Well-known member
This is A a pointless thread. I've stacked all kinds of things methyl and non methly and I'm still here doing fine and have bloods to prove it. I've seen people do one cycle of superdrol and go into liver failure. Listen to your body and get blood work. Who cares how some one else reacts. They are all toxic and there are possible risks. If the risks are not worth it don't use the compounds.

Side not 40mg of epi is a low dose. Unless ur 5'4.


Well-known member
You are thinking into this too much, like the above said some will be fine and some won't. Blood work is the only way to really know.

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