My Hare-Brained Post-Surgery Ostarine Scheme


I am having surgery in about a week to correct a herniated L4/L5 disc (laminectomy/discectomy). The training I am able to do post-op is non-existent to very limited. However, a thought occurred to me while I was researching SARMs.

SARMs prevent muscle wasting in many populations. However, I could stand to lose a few pounds of fat, and I would like to make the most out of my down-time. Hence, I've decided to take ostarine for several weeks following the surgery while eating a caloric deficit to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass.

Should I be able to train (which will depend on how I feel and what kinds of things my back can tolerate), then I will eat a caloric surplus on those days (I currently follow Leangains for those familiar with that regimen). At the very least I will be able to do daily LISS cardio. If SARMs prevent catabolism and/or are anabolic, then any weight I lose should come mostly from fat and I will maintain most of my muscle and strength levels as long as my caloric deficit is reasonable and my nutrition adequate. It is my understanding that MK 2866 also helps with healing of muscle and bone, so it might be smart to take it even without a desire for fat-loss or recomposition effects.

Also, I am currently on 120mg/week testosterone enanthate as part of TRT along with HCG and anastrozole. This can only help my plans for fat-loss and muscle retention. My planned dosage for the ostarine is 25mg/day. I also have clenbuterol on hand, but I have not yet decided if I want to introduce that as well.

If you have any criticisms or suggestions, I would like to hear them. Thanks for reading.

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