Materon e or eq


New member
Hi, I was planning a cycle for this winter I have test e, eq, mast e I wanted to do test e for 12 weeks and start mast on 4 week with a-sin/hcg throughout cycle 6'2 230lbs 17% bf now by October want to be sub 15%bf. if anyone has run similar cycle let me know how it went!
Any help is welcome on how well these chem work together would be appreciated!
Also would albuterol work good on this cycle? My diet is strict no processed or canned foods. 6 oz lean meats, kale, collards, broccoli, eggs, sweet potatoes, pwo : 60 mg protein, oatmeal, peanut butter, raw egg,banana. Pre workout : Bcaa, creatine, green vibrance. Supps: animal pak, opti men.