10mg SD 3x a week vs High-dosed Stanodrol?


  • Established
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've ran a cycle. So I've got to options and I'm currently cutting but have lossed some size. Hoping one of these can help with that. Looking to add retainable 5-10lbs while cutting and staying relatively on the safe side.What are yalls opinion on the most effective cycleSD pulsed 3x a week for 4-6 weeksOrStanodrol 800mg for 6.5 weeks with possibly picking up another bottle and running it at 1000mg for 8 weeksPCT will be Torem, DAA, Erase, Toco-8, and EndoAmp... Possibly adding a few more stuff dependiing on what yall think on the harshness of the 2...Thanks everyone!
