AAS and liver cancer (not merely dmg)



Liver dmg...fine, u go off, hydrocortisone and the inflmamation sweleing goes down whatever. Liver CANCER...uh uh. NO way.

Apparently it is very rare.

AbstractA 35-year-old male bodybuilder was found to have a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arising in a pre-existing hepatic adenoma following recreational anabolic steroid use. Given the widespread use of recreational anabolic steroids, another potentially life-threatening complication is highlighted in addition to the more commonly recognised hepatic adenoma. Malignant transformation to HCC from a pre-existing hepatic adenoma confirmed by immunohistochemical study has previously not been reported in athletes taking anabolic steroids. Further studies using screening programmes to identify high-risk individuals are recommended.

I need vets for this one. How many people do you know that had liver cancer arising from AAS use (oral or not)?


You risk your health with everything you do or eat...don't tell me if I say I'm a aas vet and answer no one I know has ever had any issues it will give you a piece of mind.

You can Google your question and look for published studies if you really cared or ask a doctor. So called vets are not doctors so who cares who or what they know.

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