fist time cycle


New member
just started my first cycle, starting at 250 test e and 125 deca...pyramiding up to 400 test e and 200 deca by mid cycle then back down to 250 125 at end of cycle doing a 14 week cycle. my question is im looking to put on some lean muscle and thin up a bit in the process not looking to get huge just trying to recap some of my youth does this sound like the right cycle?


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just started my first cycle, starting at 250 test e and 125 deca...pyramiding up to 400 test e and 200 deca by mid cycle then back down to 250 125 at end of cycle doing a 14 week cycle. my question is im looking to put on some lean muscle and thin up a bit in the process not looking to get huge just trying to recap some of my youth does this sound like the right cycle?
If you're 6'1" 260 lbs I suspect that the weight is not lean mass. You need to slim down and drop maybe 40 pounds before jumping on AAS...For a first cycle stick with just test and all the PCT gear you need, to include HCG. Your cycle looks like a guy on TRT, without the pyamiding up and down. It's a weak cycle. I'd drop the Deca and start doing 500mg per wk of Test. At that dosesage, don't pyramid, just start and end with 500mgs. You really didn't plan this out very well and you don't seem to be in physical condition to begin a program of AAS.


Doses are too low.
No need to pyramid.
Should only run test during your first run.
Looking to lean out = diet/cardio not AAS!

If you are looking for something to help lean you out when you stop the progress from just fixing your diet and cardio regimen, then you could throw in some clen or something...


New member
Deca is going to make you retain water, so you're not going to "lean out."

If you just started, stop now... but since you're not going to follow that advise I would second Detroit Hammer, DROP THE DECA and stick with straight T. You don't even need 500mg a week for a first cycle. 400 is plenty. Low risk of sides, very noticable gains in size and strength.

What is your PCT plan? I hope its better than your cycle.


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maybe we scared off the op.


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125mg of deca? Lol if your gonna shut your HPTA down then u might as well do it right with 400-600mg of deca and actually get something out of it. But thats besides the point, you dont need deca at your weight.

Do what D hammer said, run 500mg of test and cut weight. 6'1 260 thats f*ckin big.

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