Veteran advice needed, mass lost strength kept


New member
I am 22 weigh 191 , I have ran two cycles. I have been off cycle for 18 weeks. I am very confused by the fact that my strength gains post cycle are relatively unchanged yet my mass gains are very quick to go.

My cal intake is relatively unchanged on cycle 3500-3,800 off cycle 3,000-3,200. Carb intake is slightly smaller, protein is about the same at 300 per day. I am a ectomorph and a hard gainer.

I dropped 4 percent of body fat ( on cycle i was at 12 but now i am at 8%).

Lift stats
Bench 325x2
Squat 405x3
Dead 425x2

First Cycle Sustanon 8 weeks kept ten lbs, 50% gain for first cycle was pretty happy.

2nd cycle, D-bol Test E 10 weeks with typical dosage 500 ml per week, 30mg for d-bol.. Kept 25% of mass gains but i kept 80% of strength gains.

It is important to note that i did have some family complications which caused some ireggularites with diet and training which made me go from 50% of mass gains to 25% of mass gains. Weird thing is that I have kept so much of my strength gains. Muscle density unchanged.

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