Blood work question / Estrogen issues?



New member
First off I would like to thank everyone who helped me with my original post.

I still have a question I was wondering if someone could help me with. I just got some blood work back and I think it does not look that bad but wanted to get other's opinions. The net of my first post was I was having burning/sore/sensitive nipples after a 6 week hdrol / pstanze cycle and it came about 6 weeks after PCT.

The only things is even though my estrogen looks low (based on the range I was given of normal) I am still a bit sensitive in my nipples. Could this still be estrogen related even if the numbers are low? Thank you.

Blood Work:
Test Serum 488 ng/dl
Estradiol 10.9 pg/Ml (this does not seem high to me)
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 4.6 mIU /Ml
FSH Serum 5.3 mIU/Ml
Thank you

...........................................................old post.............
Sore / Sensitive Nipples – Question - 6 weekw after PCT and Hdrol/Pstanz Cycle


6 weeks ago I finished a six week Hdrol (75mg) and P-stanz (200 – worked up to 350 mg). For PCT I did Nolvadex 20,10,10,10 with PCT Assist and Reduce XT starting week 3.

About a week ago I started to get itchy/sore/sensitive nipples. My nipples have always been a little puffy (I believe due to a little extra fat) but recently have stated to fluctuate between a normal and then become hard like when I’m in cold water. The sensitivity is constant but there is no lump or hardness anywhere under they nipple/chest.

So I started taking liquid Nolva again 20 mgs a day along with Novedex XT for an AI. Does this sound like a good plan? I started with the Novedex XT (was the only AI at the store I was in at the time) a week ago and the Nolva (20 mg) 2 days ago (today will be day 3).

Is there anything else I should be doing or anything else I should consider? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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