Getting ready for first "offical" Hdrol cycle...



So roughly a year ago, I took my first Hdrol cycle. Needless to say, I got careless and abused it. Made it to week three and stopped due to a possible development of compartment syndrome in my ankles...Not cool.

Well, I definently learned my lesson, and will not be exceeding 75mg. I plan for a smalll 5 week cycle of 50 50 50 75 75.

Last time I took Hdrol, I believe I only took liv. 52 while on it, and did a proper pct. Well this time I have CEL Cycle Assist, liv 52 (still), Inhibit E and Surpress C and Clomid. They are arriving this week.
My question is, is It safe to start the HDrol and take liv. 52 til my Cycle Assist gets here? Or just wait til the end of the week and start it. Also in my pct, how long and much clomid should I be taking?

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