Unsafe, Mabey. Practical none the less!



New member
First time users of real gear or prohormones experience the biggest gains of their life. It is a fact. Your first cycle will yield the greatest results when done properly. Health reasons aside (poor poor liver) why not go big and stack two things at once. Like Epistane and Tren.

Tren for 4 weeks

Epistane for weeks 3-6

Ive done my research and have already organized my PCT and CS. (Nolva, 6 oxo, and cycle support). If you gain the most the first time around, why not Stack?


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for so many reasons. your PCT is not enough too. You will 100% screw yourself up with that stack without proper PCT. one big reason is that if you have a negative reaction you will have no idea which aas caused it. always do only one compound you're first time and methyls are a bad one at that. 500mg of test cyp for 8-9 weeks is the best first cycle there is. i know many that just did 300mg of deca a week for 2-3 weeks as their first since this requires no PCT and is very very safe.

this shows your research has been poor. you should read more, you are messing with your health and your life span.


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You'll gain the most the first time around because you're 165 pounds. It's not about it being the first cycle. And the idea of getting desensitized to androgens is a bad theory, the more cycles I run the more i realize that.

Building muscle will always follow a logarithmic curve. The more you've got the longer it will take to add more. Therefore your first cycle will always produce a lot of gains relative to what you're taking. Following that logic it makes sense to make your first cycle light, because you'll gain so easily... when you're 165 it's damn easy to add muscle.

I don't think you should use any steroids. I think your logic behind this is flawed. The more you gain the first time, the less you gain the second time, simply because you're closing the gap with your genetic potential faster.

More importantly you're setting yourself up for a tricky PCT. Trying to keep a ton of pounds when you have no PCT experience. Being much more shutdown because you ran 2 compounds. Having to deal with sides from two compounds. Tren can be mean with sides, i am not too prone to sides and tren had it in for me, it killed my libido while i was on test, and i'm not the only one.

Anyways, my first cycle sucked. I don't even count it as a cycle. I ran Hdrol and found out I was a nonresponder or something... didn't work. I bridged it into MegaZol and again made 0 gains. I took enough to get myself a little bit of muscle hardness though.


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at 5'10" and 165 you have an easy 20lbs more you could gain naturually too and you're body will respond better to the juice when you push your body naturally a bit more since it will be more able to deal with the waste products, nerve and muscle connection, your lifting form, etc.

work out 4 days a week, eat twice as much and keep that up for a consistent 4-5 months and then come back.


New member
at 5'10" and 165 you have an easy 20lbs more you could gain naturually too and you're body will respond better to the juice when you push your body naturally a bit more since it will be more able to deal with the waste products, nerve and muscle connection, your lifting form, etc.

work out 4 days a week, eat twice as much and keep that up for a consistent 4-5 months and then come back.
I've been lifiting for over 4 years, the past year my gains have been outstanding. Early June 08' to July 09' I put on 15pounds of muscle and lost a lot of fat in the process. Through my bulking and cutting phases.

If i were to run 10/20/30/30 of epi; Would Nolvadex work at 40 for the first two days of week 1. then dose it 20/20/10/10?

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