Couple last Q's 1-T/Dbol cycle

sw bill

Getting ready to start a Pp 1-T and Dbol cycle.The 1-T is a 6 week cycle but i dont think my liver would like me much to run Dbol for 6 weeks,I had planned on going 30mg ED.Should i start the Dbol in week 1 or week 3?
My fear with starting in week 1 and going 4 weeks is i would still have 2 weeks left of 1-T before starting PCT.
Should i just run Dbol the full 6???
Hate these last details before starting but i aint starting until everything is set in stone.

BTW i am already preloading cycle support,I also will be taking the typical support supps as well as joint support.
For PCT i have the Pp TRS and Nolva as well as DTHC for later if needed.

Ok either advise me or flame me just say something damit,lol.

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