First PH Cycle/PCT Help!


New member
Hey guys-

My first post.
Would GREATLY appreciate everyone's input.
Wanting to run my first PH cycle.
I'm 27 177 lbs, 15% BW.
Wanting to do mostly cutting/lean mass.
After researching, sounds like doing just a 6 week run of Halodrol-50 at something like 50/50/75/75/100/100 might be best.
I was thinking of doing PCT with just Gaspari Novedex-XT and possible running Life support or another cycle support throughout.
I'm completely new to this so i would greatly appreciate some guidance.

I've been taking Tribex, ZMA, Novedex-XT for about 4-5 weeks now and plan on stopping all three for a good two weeks before starting my PH cycle.
Do yall think this sounds like a good plan?

As far as supplementation goes, I am taking glutamine 10 grams/day BCAA 15g/d, Arginine 6 grmas/day, Whey and Casein at appropriate times, NO-Xplode, and Jet fuel on a prn basis for energy/fat loss/preworkout.
Getting my 1-2 gallons water in per day, as well as vit c, vit e, fish oil.
In no way do I want to violate the rules of the forum, but I keep pulling up different articles with listings of the current halodrol-50 designer clones available now. You guys know way more than I do about this. If it's not in violation of any rules, can you tell me or point me towards an article dealing with which Halodrol I should buy? I know there are tons out there now.

Also, I've read the newbie articles, but wanted to run past you guys first as well: Shold 1.5 grams protein/lbs bodyweight be good for my 6-week cycle? And how should I do carbs and cardio while on the cycle? Currently I'm doing about 2500 kCal/day consisting of 6 small meals of tuna, brown rice or oatmeal/other low glycemic carbs. I am only doing about 100 grams carbs per day currently as I have been trying to lean up before starting this cycle - was 194lbs and 25% body fat 8 weeks ago - so have trimmed up pretty significantly at this point!

Thanks again in advance guys.



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Sheeze man. How many different times are you going to post this? Someone will respond if you just give it time.


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I used h-drol will success. you'll like it at 50/50/75/75/100
5 weeks should be good
i'd recommend cycle support by anabolic innovations throughout for bloodpressure control and liver protectant.

gains start to kick in toward the middle of week three. so eat like you mean it.

you can run a serm for pct like nolvadex or torem,
or do an OTC like post cycle support from anabolic innovations coupled with dermacrine sustain alpha from primordial performance.

work at putting on some muscle this cycle. once pct if over, you can cut if you want. you'll see some recomp during the cycle but the added muscle will help increase your metabolism so burning fat after your pct will be much easier.

a cut while running a ph is very hard for me. (maybe you'll have better luck.) i tend to want to eat like a caveman


New member
grab yourself an extra tub of cycle support or life support if you can... pre load for more than just a couple of days (something i regret not doing)... i pre loaded for 2 days only and now in my 4th week on cycle... having some issues with relatively high BP..

probably going to cut my cycle short because of it


New member
Sorry about the repost - new to the forums (obviously) and didn't know if I needed to post PCT question in PCT thread, Cycle questions in Cycle, thread, etc.
Didn't want to miss out on anyone's info and input.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Sorry about the repost - new to the forums (obviously) and didn't know if I needed to post PCT question in PCT thread, Cycle questions in Cycle, thread, etc.
Didn't want to miss out on anyone's info and input.
For dropping fat and adding muscle, carb timing is everything.

You want to stay low carb and ride the GH state for most of the day to steadily burn fat. Also, frequent 2-3 minute workouts [full body circuit, sprints, ect] will help increase your GH dramatically for about 90 mins, so you want to do this 2-3 times a day to further increase GH levels.

Take a single high-carb meal after your hardest [heavy weight] workout. This way, you will only be in the anabolic “insulin state” for 2-3 hours out of the day. The rest of the day, you will be in GH “fat burning” state.

Remember, you can’t burn fat when insulin is present. So, you will have to ditch the morning oatmeal and brown rice and opt for high protein items. [except for after a workout]

BTW, the 30-day Testosterone Recovery Stack will have you covered for PCT.



New member
Thanks for the diet info.
Gonna start that tmrw.
Will miss the oatmeal though....

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