Shoulder/Chest injury?



  • Established
Ok guys, my shoulder/chest has a pinching pain in it everytime I bench its somewhere in my muscle kidna close to my shoulder joint, now I would think it was my shoulder, but doing shoulder exercises don't hurt me at all. Its like 6 inches above my nipple really close to my shoulder if not the mucsle in my shoulder / chest. but anyways while I'm benching while the bar is close to my chest thats when the pinching really hurts. I'm not sure what it is, but i took a week off to see if it helps but the pain is still there and its starting to affect my bench I went from 205 1x5, 210 1x5, 215 1x5, 220 1x5, 225 1x5, and 235 1x3 to 205 3x5, 225 1x3, 225 1x2. It hurts now just typing but its not a tearing pain or sharp pain but it is a pinch and an achy pain... I'm not sure what it is or what I should do? Any ideas of what it could be?


Just some friendly advice

post exercise related questions on the exercise science forum or injury related forum -- you'll get more/better replies


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  • Established
Seek professional medical attention / physiotherapist.

Much Love,



New member
Ok guys, my shoulder/chest has a pinching pain in it everytime I bench its somewhere in my muscle kidna close to my shoulder joint, now I would think it was my shoulder, but doing shoulder exercises don't hurt me at all. Its like 6 inches above my nipple really close to my shoulder if not the mucsle in my shoulder / chest. but anyways while I'm benching while the bar is close to my chest thats when the pinching really hurts. I'm not sure what it is, but i took a week off to see if it helps but the pain is still there and its starting to affect my bench I went from 205 1x5, 210 1x5, 215 1x5, 220 1x5, 225 1x5, and 235 1x3 to 205 3x5, 225 1x3, 225 1x2. It hurts now just typing but its not a tearing pain or sharp pain but it is a pinch and an achy pain... I'm not sure what it is or what I should do? Any ideas of what it could be?

I had the same thing happen, it's tendon or ligament damage... Aslong as there was no bruising or swelling, then its not very serious. But tendon/ligaments take alot longer to heal completely.. since there's no blood flow to it, like a muscle. So make sure to warm up very well, and dont lift to your max for about a month.. work on higher reps for a while until its back at 100%, glucosamine, msm, chondrotin combo's will help and plenty of vit C, Hope that helps! .. Also if you want to speed up the healing process, Traumeel Cream works very with that type of injury.


New member
I would definitely seek some professional medical help. I work in surgery, mostly with sports-related injuries. My first guess would be biceps tendonitis. Also, good advice to follow in the above post.

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