Human CVD solely caused by ascorbate deficiency?


  • Established

Interesting but full of BS.

. It is thus conceivable that during the evolution of man periods of prolonged ascorbate deficiency led to a great death toll. The mortality from scurvy must have been particularly high during the thousands of years the ice ages lasted and in other extreme conditions, when the dietary ascorbate supply approximated zero. We therefore propose that after the loss of endogenous ascorbate production in our ancestors, scurvy became one of the greatest threats to the evolutionary survival of man. By hemorrhagic blood loss through the scorbutic vascular wall our ancestors in many regions may have virtually been brought close to extinction.
Now, the Inuit live literally without vegetables or fruit and suffer no ill health or any modern diseases, their incidence of disease was very very low, their diet guessed it, seal fat, whale fat and their meat, fat+meat, they give the lean meat to the dogs.

Humans are not the only animals that will refuse low fat meat, a great white shark accepted a seal and pig carcass offered by a shark expert, but rejected the low fat sheep carcass.[1]

And from Wiki:

"The Inuit have traditionally been hunters and fishers. They hunted, and still hunt, whales, walruses, caribou, seals, polar bears, muskoxen, birds, and at times other less commonly eaten animals such as foxes. The typical Inuit diet is high in protein and very high in fat - in their traditional diets, Inuit consumed an average of 75% of their daily energy intake from fat.[9] While it is not possible to cultivate plants for food in the Arctic, gathering those that are naturally available has always been typical. Grasses, tubers, roots, stems, berries, and seaweed were collected and preserved depending on the season and the location (kuanniq or edible seaweed).[10][11][12][13][14]

Anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson lived with and studied a group of Inuit.[15] The study focused on the fact that the Inuit's extremely low-carbohydrate diet had no adverse effects on Stefansson's health, nor that of the Inuit. Stefansson (1946) also observed that the Inuit were able to get the necessary vitamins they needed from their traditional winter diet, which did not contain plant matter. In particular, he found that adequate vitamin C could be obtained from items in the Inuit's traditional diet of raw meat such as Ringed Seal liver and whale skin. While there was considerable skepticism when he reported these findings, they have been borne out in recent studies.[16]" [2]

And here, Stefansson following an all meat diet, DID NOT DEVELOP SCURVY:

he earliest and primary proponent of an all animal-based diet was Vilhjalmur Stefansson, an Icelandic explorer who lived with the Inuit for some time and who witnessed their diet as essentially consisting of meat and fish, with very few carbohydrates during the summer in the form of berries. Stefansson and a friend later volunteered for a one year experiment at Bellevue Hospital in New York to prove that he could thrive on a diet of nothing but meat, meat fat and internal organs of animals.[1] His progress was closely monitored and experiments were done on his health throughout the year. At the end of the year, he did not show any symptoms of ill health; he did not develop scurvy, which many scientists had expected to manifest itself only a few months into the diet due to the lack of Vitamin C in muscle meat. However, Stefansson and his partner did not eat just muscle meat - they ate fat, brain, liver, and other varieties of "meat."[2]

More reading here:

But I do not endorse any religious beliefs, only their dietary knowledge.

Bottom line is, the only people that really developed scurvy as far as I know were sailors and people who ate "modern food"(refined, canned, preserved) with little vitamin C (crackers, bread, porridge, etc....) while "uncivlized/natural/organic/free range humans" :lol: DID NOT develop scurvy, EVEN with the lack of vitamin C or fruits.

Some of the books I read suggest uric acid has taken over some of the duties of vitamin C when the ability to make the L-gulonolactone oxidase enzyme was lost in humans due to mutations caused by an unknown reason, maybe positive maybe negative, but as always, when I'm in doubt, I don't listen to Mainstream knowledge or "science" I'll look into observations in the wild:

1-Adopt the inuit diet : Which I have before and it's a great diet for health, energy, muscle building and fat loss,


a- the cost of eating nothing but fatty meat and especially free range/hormone free/grain free diet.

b-Increased aggression and different "mindset" I can't explain this, but ANYONE who's been on a 100% carnivorous diet will know what I'm talking about, especially when on it for 6+ months, the changes are amazing, but not compatibale with everyday life in the city.

2- take 4-7 grams of vitamin C everyday through supplementation, vegetables and little fruit, as do other primates in forests, savanahs or other enviorments.


  • Established
With all the low fat diets here and the increase in CKD/KD diets, I figured this needs a bump.
