FDA Trying to prevent access to HRT.



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Help Stop FDA from Making Estriol and Other Bio-Identical Hormones Illegal
FDA is Trying to Prevent Access to Critical Hormone Replacment Therapy to Millions of Americans

Recently, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered various pharmacies to stop filling prescriptions for estriol. Estriol is a bio-identical hormone, meaning it is chemically identical to the substance produced within a woman's own body! Although doctors recommend this important therapy to their patients going through menopause, as well as for other medically necessary reasons, FDA has taken it upon themselves to determine that they know better than your doctor what is good for you. FDA has prohibited the use of compounded estriol even though they have acknowledged that they are unaware of any adverse events associated with use of compounded medications containing estriol.

You can help make estriol and other bio-identical hormones available to you by writing your Congressperson NOW to demand that they support House Concurrent Resolution 342, which is a stern and unambiguous message from Congress to the FDA to stop interfering with this critically important medical therapy your doctor may be trying to prescribe for you.


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