Recent vericocelectomy performed and awaiting change in serum T levels



New member

I had a vericocelectomy two days ago (grade III+). I'm 28 yrs old and have low T at 357ng/dl total. I decided to have the procedure at Cornell where they pioneered the microsurgery with the hopes that this could be the source of my low T levels (FSH was 3.2 and LH was 5.1).

I noticed reading through these boards that others have had this surgery, but I have not seen anyone cite pre and post operative serum testosterone numbers to see if there has indeed been a difference as a result of the surgery.

My symptoms seem to be isolated to depression and low libido (the libido has been progressively decreasing over time, and I have had the vericocele at least since 2004, though probably earlier than that, and it may have gotten larger since then). ED has never been an issue, and in general, libido comes and goes.

I was curious if anyone out there has tested his/her T levels and decided or is deciding to go through with vericocele surgery. All I can find from anecdotal evidence on boards is people citing increased libido post-operatively, but no one seems to have pre and post hormone numbers? It would help to compare. I plan to take tests to measure my T levels sometime over the next month or two.

Any thoughts? Considering the number of men out there with low T and Vericoceles, I think this is a thread and conversation worth having. I have read many studies that suggest a strong correlation between the presence of vericoceles and low testosterone.


New member
Hi David,

Just read your post on having low testosterone, low libido due to varicocele and how you got the microsurgery at Cornell. I'm in the exact same boat as you and am thinking about getting the procedure done there too. I was just wondering how successful the surgery was for you now that its been 2 months? Did your T levels and libido go up? Is the varicocele still there? Any unexpected side-effects like pain that wasn't there before?

Thanks a lot, appreciate your help!


New member
Hey, I had the same surgery on March 4th, my dr. expects my t to increase significantly over a 90 day period. I had the same problems as you and i am 21.
I got a 40 days into it blood test yesterday and got the blood test back today.

Before surgery total t 330 with free t at 8 in a normal range of 9 to 26
At 40 days total t 397 with free t at 11.5 in a normal range of 9 to 26

high hopes for day 90 and beyond.


New member
oh ps, although libido is def. not as high as I would like, I can certainly see a small improvement lately.


New member
Hey, I had the same surgery on March 4th, my dr. expects my t to increase significantly over a 90 day period. I had the same problems as you and i am 21.
I got a 40 days into it blood test yesterday and got the blood test back today.

Before surgery total t 330 with free t at 8 in a normal range of 9 to 26
At 40 days total t 397 with free t at 11.5 in a normal range of 9 to 26

high hopes for day 90 and beyond.
Hey, thanks a lot for replying and the info! I'm 21 as well and thinking about getting it taken care of in July or so, so your results so far are definitely encouraging. Please keep me up to date on your healing progress and any changes, Thanks!
