Igf and cancer?


New member
I started my first cycle of igf1 lr3 in December of last year and I ran it for 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks on with 50mcgs. It has been about 7 weeks since my last injection and I have been feeling like I have a cold. I went to the doctor and got some blood testing twice within the 7 weeks and he said my neutrophils were high but there was no sign of infection and he tells me it sounds like the start of leukemia. I am 20 years old. I was wondering if this is probable or if this is normal for post igf? I also am kind of short of breath and have swollen lymph nodes as of today. Thank you for your time.


Defiantly get more than one opinion. If you have the results I'm sure they ran the typical ckmb,CBC, cmp. You can post the results here. How were your RBC and your Leukocytosis? Thanks I'll try to follow your post.
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