Test p,deca,dbol cycle help


New member
I'm 48 years old I did test only for 3 months 500 milligrams a week and then I did a cycle of Dianabol and test 500 milligrams a week 40 milligrams a day of the Dianabol put on almost 30 pounds of muscle and seriously went up 100 pounds on my bench in a month I want to know what would be a good next cycle to get some more better Gaines on my chest but lose the belly fat I got left also do you think lifting heavy or lighter weight more reps is more effective when your on gear I was thinking of doing Deca or Tren with dbol and test


I would switch from Dianabol to Anadrol, but dbol still has a wonderful effect. Keep Test at 500 (sweet spot) as your base. I don't like AS for fat burning. I think GW at 20mg with some fasted AM cardio will bring body fat down, as well as keeping carbs under 200gr. Do you want to look like Hulk or Captain America? The answer will guide you in your choices.

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