Superdrol Cycle - Mdrol



<The following is not my recommendations for anyone, simply information on methods I used>

Starting at: 6'2" 225lbs, 12%BF

Basic routine, 1 muscle group a day, but with short intense training periods with heavy weights, 8-12 rep range, 1 warm-up, 3 working sets, 3-4 exercises, no more than 3 days on with 1 off, low intensity cardio 2x week 45 min, sleep as much as possible

Diet: 4500/5000 calories, High protein, high carb, moderate fat - lots of Natty PeanutButter, tried to eat clean calories as much as possible, but it wasn't too important for me to stay really lean - cheat meals (pizza) w/ ice cream 2x week

-ON Pro-Complex, BCAAs, Glut
-Creatine Mono/Beta-Alanine
-Pre-Workout drink for energy
-Other: Omega 3-6-9, Coral Calcium, and Glucosamine 2x day, Opti-Men Multi 1xday

Superdrol Clone - M-Drol with Universal Animal Stak and Anabolic Innovations Life Support

M-Drol - 20mg x 10days, 30mg x 10, and 40mg x 10. Universal's Animal Stak has a pretty comprehensive list of ingredients that are good for PH use, so I took one pack every day. Life Support is an excellent product for PH use as well, took as directed.
Gains were consistent, did not jump with the increase of dosage, leading me to belive they might have plateaued if I hadn't increased.
Sides - lethargy, back pumps like a mofo, and a mild shut down when dosages went to 40mg, started back up once PCT began.

After: 252lbs, 16%BF

<These statements are not my recommendations for anyone, simply information on methods I used>

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